Selling Lil Bear's Mother, Womb Sister, Complete Herd Dispersal

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Dec 5, 2009
Dundee, Oh
Swamp Creek Whitetails will be doing a complete herd dispersal in conjunction with the Buckeye Fall Trophy & Breeder Auction October 10, 11 in Dalton Oh. The John Miller family is moving to Tennesee where deer farming is not allowed and have decided to offer the herd at auction. Lil Bear's Mother, his womb sister and many more top quality does will be sold. There will also be a number of yearling bucks and bucks fawns sold. Call Buckeye Whitetail Auctions at 330-473-2419 for more info.
Memory Lane Farms said:

These will all be in the fall catalog correct? Thanks again!

The Swamp Creek lots will all be sold right after the regular Buckeye auction and will all be catalogued. These lots will all be sold absolute. No reserves on any of them. If you are looking for a few top notch does this may be your chance.
Has this doe, or these doe been for sale recently in other auctions or did they just PO them?

Curious if I am thinking about the same deer or something that was similar.
qzilla said:
Has this doe, or these doe been for sale recently in other auctions or did they just PO them?

Curious if I am thinking about the same deer or something that was similar.

He did have them listed online as a group earlier but did not get any bids.
I was just up at Johns and all his does look very healthy. These girls are true producers!!!

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