Spring Deer Tracking Update

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Apr 13, 2009
Saskatchewan, Canada
I was not sure where to place this update because it is not just "vendors forum" as I needed to explain why we have been difficult to contact lately....

Just an update on this issue of Deer tracking. As most know this spring issue is going to be late . I just spent 22 days in hospital with my mom. She began showing stroke-like symptoms in late Jan and was ambulanced to hospital over a month ago. After a brain biopsy,numerous MRIs , CT scans, ultrasounds the diagnosis is viral encephalitis (swelling of the brain). She knows me but cannot remember my name and is finding communication difficult sometimes replacing words with others or making up new words. Then she developed a kidney infection, blood infection and lung infection and kidneys began shutting down. But now she seems to be well physically and is being sent to a different hospital for rehab/therapy. As I was with her as interpreter, nurse, etc., Randy was on the trapline trying to get articles written, computer work done, ads received, etc.

So, I am now at my computer at the trapline for a short while until I get called back to "nursing duty" when mom returns home. So we are working like crazy to get this Spring issue complete and in the mail. If you have any articles to contribute or ads that you would like in this spring issue, please sent them over ASAP. As usual, all contributions are appreciated!

A full page colour ad is only $465 (this is a common question). That's less than the sale of one straw of semen nowdays! lol

A 1/2 page ad is only $250. Advertising and marketing are important to the success of any business.

If you do not have an ad made up, don't fret, we have a list of great designers in the industry that we can put you in touch with. Our magazine designer can also design your ad quickly. Just let us know what you need.

We look forward to working with you. Please contact us if you have any questions. (Email is the easiest way to catch us, but we do check our phone messages by computer from the remote cabin).


Tara <<

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