State of Iowa Stands in Way of Depopulation of CWD Positive Herd

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Sep 10, 2012
Clear Lake, Iowa
It is official, today the State of Iowa sent their refusal to sign the depopulation of our herd and allow us to receive indemnity from the USDA.  Unless, we drop all litigation and agree to a five year quarantine on our hunting preserve, they will not sign the herd plan.


Proof positive that this litigation has never been about CWD.  They would rather play politics and the abuse their power on tax paying citizens.


This battle is far from over.


so sorry to hear this Rhonda.

can the USDA step in at any point???

politics are so dirty and people wonder what's wrong with this country

geesh deer farmers cant even get along and ban together for the right thing

will be praying for you and that there is some sort of resolution sooner than later
You called it, Jerilee! The state put us out of business and took our land for five years even though the DNR lost in court, all to stop the spread of CWD. So they lose the DNR case in court as the DNR has no jurisdiction over private land. The DNR then files a "motion of stay" forcing us to maintain the fence until our case can be heard in district court because our bare land poses more of a threat of spreading CWD than 400 CWD exposed live animals on the landscape at our breeding facility.

It's never been about controling the spread of CWD in Iowa. But hey, I guess South Dakota wasn't too concerned about the spread of CWD when they released the 500 CWD exposed elk. Nope it was about the money. Now more hunters can kill trophy bulls in SD and I betcha Boone and Crocket will recognize those trophy bulls in thir record books!
Rhonda, As an industry we cannot let them get away with that crap! If depopulation is the "proper" solution for these situations why would they not sign the plan? What is their stated reasoning for that? The fact that they are in a lawsuit should not affect the ability nor the desire to depopulate. Let me know what we can do to help.
This kind of organized communist Gov't crime needs to be exposed and the officials behind it questioned in front of the public on their reason why they will not sign the herd plan. Maybe this could be a topic for Berman & Co. to expose on a national platform. This kind of Gov't abuse of taxpayer money pisses people off, high fence or no fence. 
The lawsuit is the only reason they will not sign. If we don't forfeit both cases and agree to 5 year quarantine for the preserve property, they will not sign. They outlined their conditions very clearly and in writing and included the DNR 5 year quarantine contract for our signature! We have it all in writing and we have been in contact with Berman & Co.

You should know that the DNR has nothing to do with the depop of our breed facility animals. These conditions have been set forth by the Iowa Attorney general which represented the Dept of Ag not the DNR, the DNR was represented by their internal legal council.

Our legal council is not taking the states actions lightly, but we believe we have been silent long enough. It's time the tax paying citizens know exactly how the state of Iowa is spending their tax dollars.

But hey its not much different from the politics we are all paying for in Washington. Government is just too big and completely out of control.

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