Terrible news expected but never ready to hear

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You got it right when saying the Lord does not ever put anything on your plate that you cant handle. I am a huge believer in the power of prayer. It brings tears to my eyes to read all these comments. We all just need to keep praying. Just know that this is not our world. This is not where we belong. Our place is in heaven with our Lord and Savoir!

Johnny B

knowing you, and knowing how nice of a guy you are i know cindy has to be a great women. we are all thinking of you guys lots of love and prayers
Henry to repeat the words and prayers of so many on this thread. You and Cindy are in our heart felt prayers.

Also thank you for reminding and encouraging each of us as you did in the posting of this thread to love our wives. It is so easy to take our wives for granted until something like this happens. All to often we do not apprechate a gift until it slips from our fingers.

Thank you for this reminder.
Well Hospice has been called and we had several visits from them, they are very nice and they are very caring. Hospice has provided Cindy and hopital bed and wheelchair and also some much needed meds to help with the pain and discomfort. Cindys feet and hands have peeled due to the chemo and hopefully that will stop soon since the doctors removed her from all chemo going forward, now it is just time to make her as comfortable as possible. Cindy has taken her last oxy pill and is not on liquid morphine as needed and she is also wearing a 72 hour patch for pain which is supposed to be better the the oxy pills. Cindy is more tired then before and i guess that has a lot to do with the pills she takes but also the toxins being built up in her system from the failing liver. I cherish each and ever day with her that we have left together and a gift from our Holy God. Please continue to be in prayer for Cindy and again, please send her a card or email, that address is in a previous post on this thread, some have done that and it really does bring a smile to her face and I must say that is a rare sight these days giving what she has and is going through so thank you all who have done that and also to the ones who have posted here. I Love you all, my friends in this great business of Whitetail deer.
a big change of events today for Cindy and not for the better. When I arrived home from work I found her hooked up to oxygen that hospice provided. Cindy has really taken a turn for the worse and I am not sure when she will fall into the coma but I believe it to be real soon. The doctor stated she would get tired as the billy ruben count rises to 20 and she was a 14 2 weeks ago. I fear death is around the corner but more importantl so is the Lord. For Cindy she looks forward to gazing upon his face but also she feels sorrow for leaving me and my daughter behind. We had a long discussion tonight that brought many tears so many my eyes burn and they are swollen. We met with the funeral director tonight and that was not easy at all. So many people has said, "Be Strong" I am tired of being strong, I want to feel something other then what I am feeling. I am struggling deeply, not in my faith but in my lose soon to be. I am divorced twice, both wives cheated on me but Cindy was the first woman to ever show me Love, real Love and I really don't want to give that up. I told her to tell the Father I was not done dancing yet and that we would have a chat when I hopefully get to heaven with her. Cindy is very weak and like I said, I know the time is very near for her. I told her that is she see's the light or a hand to go to it or reach for it and don't look back, don't worry about us, her family just go and be happy being pain free and cancer free, enjoy the Fathers house but also wait for me. Oh my God this is hard.
I am so sorry for you all.

I will continue to pray for peace and comfort for all of you,and for all of your needs whether physical,mental,or emotional.
Henry, I can't imagine the pain you are going through and just reading it is so hard. Just know that your wife loves you now and forever and you will see her again soon. the pain for you will continue and hers will soon end as she will be in the hands or our father ......I pray for peace for both of you.......stay strong to your faith,,,,,Keep the Lord close....he will get you through this Henry.......He will not let you down.
i am a newbie here, but after reading all of this posting, i feel helpless that all i have to offer is mere words and {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}} you have an INCREDIBLE woman by your side now and I can FEEL the love and despair from you now as you write. How blessed you have been to have her in your life, i can only hope that when it is our time to go also, that we will be met at the gates by the Heavenly Father himself and our loved ones. My faith is not where it should be at, but i can offer prayers of hope for peace for Cindy and for peace to take over your heavy heart and give some comfort.
Hospice came again today and did their evaluation of Cindy and all is going as normal for this type of cancer. Cindy is now almost non chearant and hardley ever opens her eyes, she speaks softly like a whisper when she does talk which is almost never now. Cindy can't even get out of bed so we now need to use a bed pan and depends. The morphine dosage has been doubled and breating is strating to be labored. This cancer is aweful, it just dosen't care, it consumes you. Please Father take her quickly, she wants to go home to you.
Henry, I am at a loss for words. I have been through this with my parents. It is not easy. But as Dennis said Keep the Lord with you and he will get you through it. God Bless you Cindy and rest easy. Allen
Henry, I have been sitting here staring with blurry eyes trying to compose something personal,uplifting and poinent....nothing,so.... I believe God does not make mistakes, the trials we endure are to prepare us for his purpose, God never gives us anything to do beyond our ability.

God needed someone to share a short time with Cindy,... he picked you

may of us have had things God ask us to do, but at the time we ask why,what..not me

then as we surrender to... yes Lord,

when we look back we wonder why we ever doubted anything

praying for you
Cindy has gone home to be with the father in his Heavenly Kingdom and to serve HIM. My heart aches for my lose as I so very much Loved my wife. I am so very grateful to everyone for the support shown to Cindy, Kortnee and I over the past several months and espicially to the LWC Church family whom demonstrated servanthood towards Cindy and our family.

Cindy spoke to a lot of people over the past few days but she wanted me to share her highest accomplishment and that was serving as youth pastor at LWC, she loved all those kids, now adults most of them. If any of the youth she had are on here or parents of those youth are please know how special you all were to her.

The memorial for Cindy will be held at LWC on Sunday September 26th at 4:00pm. There will be a time of gathering in the fellowship room afterwards so please plan on attending, I know Cindy will be there in spirit since she planned it all out and we are just carrying out that plan for her.

Her passing did not come as a surprise since after the last scan when the doctor took her off the chemo, we knew the end was near but just not this close. I regret not doing more things with Cindy when we could, I took for granted the time I thought we had left and now I cannot get it back. I can only have Faith that I will one day see my beloved wife Cindy again and that we can once again be a team.

I will miss the trips to the cabin, mountains and even the deer shows, even though she never really care for them, she went along anyway and helped me to sell items, what a woman she was but you already knew that about her.

We are going to ask that instead of flowers a donation to Cindys new foundation Angie spoke of earlier be made. Angie will have more on that soon I trust. The foundation, is for missionaries who suffer from cancer, since that was what Cindy really liked doing the most so I hope you all jump in on that one and help launch this foundation.

This will be an ajustment for Kortnee and I as we were still adjusting to the family life style. Please pray that Kortnee and I can lean on eachother and help eachother solve some of lifes mystries and problem we both will face.

Again thanks for everything but I know the Lord is in control and now my Babe is happy, happier then I could have ever made her. Rest in peach my Love, my wife, my Babe, MY ALL!

Henry, you have my deepest sympathy. I am so sorry for your loss. You and your daughter will be in my prayers.


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