Terrible news expected but never ready to hear

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Thanks, I did get it today, Cindy would have really liked it. Cindy was a beautiful woman who really lived and loved the Lord each day. As a Pastor she demonstrated just what we as Christians should be doing and I was so very proud of her, it was what drew me to her. My dear wife as another duty now, the Father reassigned her but one day we will be a family again. Tell the kids thanks from Cindy and I both, it was very much appriciated.

God Bless

I read this today Henry and I thought of you and Cindy...

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, But love leaves a memory no one can steal.
Today at 10:00am EST I liad to rest my wife of only 10 months. It was a beautiful clear sunny day, the birds were chirping, squirrels were running around and Cindys family gathered around her final resting place to say goodby to this Beautiful, Faithful woman fo God. I cannot sit here and say the tears did not flow, that would be lying, they flowed like a river after a heavy rain. I carried her cremains from the van to the grave site, my final duty as her husband and soul mate.

Thanks you all for your support, Love and kindness, it helped get me throught this tough time even though there were times I did not think I would be able to. Our home remains very quiet and empty and I suspect it will for many years but I know I am as is my daughter, better people for having Cindy in our lives.

Cindy is having a memorial service on Sunday September 26th at 4:00pm EST, if you live close, please stop by, if you live far away we are also streaming it live since she ministerd to so many people around the globe. The link for this is http://www.ustream.tv/channel/cynthia-erb-martin-memorial-service

Again my many thanks to you, my friends in this great business called deer farming

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