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Another interesting part of the info in this data is the listed times of death of the animals studied. They were not during EHD season. The midge larva feed off bacteria from manure. Does Aureomycin in feed stop this cycle like it does the horned fly? The listed times of death of each breeder buck I found particularly interesting. Only one in July really was in EHD season. They all seemed to die young at 6 years or less. Were they dying from natural causes this young? I too, found it interesting how they recovered in one growing season after being stunted early in life by low protein but then grew comparable antlers to those that weren't when returned to higher protein.The LHLH 4 year olds vs HHHH 4 year olds that were fed high protein from birth. I guess one could save a little on their feed bill possibly by using data in this study and playing with the protein in their feed. I also found it interesting the HLHL 2.5 year olds had wider spreads than the HHHH 2.5 year olds. It is puzzling that spreads increased when the protein level was dropped? I wonder if there is any correlation in this data that explains the wide spindly bucks we see so often in Texas and the volume of more massive but narrower bucks up north? Could this be the result of the free range diets in the north on all the high protein crops and down there once the summer heat comes and things dry out quickly the fiber and mineral content shoots up. I wonder what there would be to eat over 8% protein once it gets dry?
Thx Jonathon,  starting to get really excited about my first deer arriving this winter.  Mark

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