What to use for fetilizer ?

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Jan 21, 2011
Barnett Mo
I am wanting to fertilize my pens and am wondering what would be best

was thinking of using some kind of manure

turkey manure is plentiful around here so that would be my first choice

then sheep cow or horse

but dont want to use something that might have a bad effect on my deer any suggestions would be great Thanks
I wouldnt use turkey manure.....birds carry coccidiossis and it can be deadly to deer.....not sure if turkey do but I wouldn't take my chances.....lots of people just lime their pens.....it helps with bacteria as well as enhances the growth of clovers and grass......just my opinion...good luck......
ddwhitetails said:
I wouldnt use turkey manure.....birds carry coccidiossis and it can be deadly to deer.....not sure if turkey do but I wouldn't take my chances.....lots of people just lime their pens.....it helps with bacteria as well as enhances the growth of clovers and grass......just my opinion...good luck......

Ditto on the bird crap!!!
I'm no expert or anything for that matter but what would be wrong with triple 12 right before a rain it absorbs fast like the lime..... If this is a serious no no please tell me now before I begin somethin horrible lol.
I just fertilized my pens with 16-16-16 fertilizer right before a thunderstorm last week. I will also be spreading pellitized lime now that the fawns are showing up. the lime sweetens the high acid in the soils and kills bacteria and actually will promote grass growth.

We limed half our hay fields last fall (the asphalt plant closed earlier than expected last fall and we didn't get enough lime to get them all done). You can tell a big difference in the ones that were limed, and the ones that weren't. The grass is literally over a FOOT taller in the limed pastures than the in fields we didn't lime. Our alfalfa fields got limed and are now over a foot tall and ready to cut this weekend. My deer will soon be enjoying there first taste of fresh alfalfa bales within a week.
If the pH level in your soil is not right nutrients cannot be absorbed into the plants (usually about 6.5). The best thing to do is check your pH level and then treat with lime at the rate for that pH level, this should be listed on the bag or can be found if you google it. Lime will neutralize the pH level and allow the plants to uptake the nutrients that already exist in the soil or that are added by the fertilizer. pH test kits can be bought at most garden stores. Good Luck.
Day wood.......I was just giving an opinion....and that being said I would listen to a lot of these other ideas as well......there is a Lot of Great fertilizer plans out there to fit your needs! Best wishes to you!

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