Whats this doe going to produce?

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Hey Im a new deer farmer here and I just picked up a doe from Dream Ranch and I was curious on what shes going to produce in size wise and money wise. Shes a year and half old live bred to Rangers Dream. Her genetics are Rawhide over full flees the far bottom is bucky jrs mom. Just curious on what you guys think? Also we picked up a full flees doe she is Heavy over Little Boomer. Hopefully these two will help out our small growing herd.
Sounds like you picked some good foundation there. Wayne Scott's Rawhide will definitely produce. Poor buck never got to shine, like so many well bred deer mine included. You just make smart buying & breeding decisions and go slow, DO YOUR HOMEWORK and you'll make money in this business-Jason DEER CREEK WHITETAILS
Ryan, I'm confident she will produce as well. I'm sure you feel the same or you wouldn't have purchased her............I can tell you Jason is right......Do your homework and you will do alright in this business. What size of antler she may or may not produce remains to be seen. I can tell you that the long haul is were you can prove her worth!

You will have to invest time as well as money and remain committed to staying the course!

Production is all to often over looked by..........HYPE !!!:)
Welp I know this fall shes getting a straw of flees put back into her. Hopefully its Primetime.
Ryan, Primetime could be a homerun and while Richard likes Bucky and that would also be a good cross. I have the unwavering faith in what RAWHIDE in her pedigree will do, The bottom side of RAWHIDES pedigree is what I feel is one of the most exciting things about him.But most miss the powerful blood flow combination in RAWHIDES pedigree! Top side is a proven frame producer! Thats why I think bringing Primetime back into the mix whould be adding Dolly sister to the mix and I will be making that cross on some of my Rawhide daughters as well as adding back in Green 36 and Heavy to my offsping in the future as well.

Good Luck
Well were not going to add bucky because our full flees doe is AI'd to Bucky right now... Soooo hopefully she throws us some good fawns. We are planning to AI most of our deer to flees bucks. Were going to take a road trip up to Wilderness Whitetails to check out the facility and see some over there deer and maybe do some purchasing. I also think RAWHIDE is a very nice looking buck. Hopefully the combination of RAWHIDE over Flees will throw some very nice fawns. This will be her first fawning this year she will be two years old.

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