This is a Amazon Yearling. Amazon was 374 and one of my favorite deer ever but never collected. We had to knock him down to fix that drop. He is a 5X5 with 9 extra points.
I have a few more good yearlings to post but I need to take more pictures. So I'll move on to the 2 year olds and then come back to the yearlings later.
This first 2 year old is RimRolex. He ripped his left antler out as a yearling. As a yearling he would have been 21-23 inside and scored about 200. As a 2 year old his damaged antler has grown a little "off" If he hadn't ripped out that antler he would look like the last picture (I projected his right onto his left) and be 30 inside, have 56 points and score an estimated 332. All at age 2. He has super long beams. Hopefully he will straighten out. This buck has a 400 inch sire, 400 inch grandsire, and 400 inch great grandsire. We plan on using him as a breeder in 2011
What he would look like with both antlers undamaged (I projected his right onto his left)
We had to remove RimRolex's antlers. At age 2, he scored 320 4/8 in velvet with a 27 inch inside spread. The good antler on the right had 29 points and scored 174 2/8 by itself. Dan measured the spread at 14.5 inches from the middle of the head to the inside of the right beam making it 29 inches total if he would have had an equal left antler. If the antlers were even he would have been 377 4/8. All at age two. And that's on a typical frame. This deer is SPECIAL. Look above at his pictures and the deep deep pedigree and you know why he is pushing so much antler. Dan took a bunch of pictures and I'll post them as soon as the horse and buggy arrive!
White 25 at 2. This Buck is Sundowner over Maxbo. The doe is Powergirl, Powerball's womb sister. This buck was sick as a yearling. We are hoping he makes a nice jump this year!