Whitetails of Oklahoma Annual Convention Auction!!

Deer Farmer Forum

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May 6, 2011
St. George, UT
Whitetails of Oklahoma Annual Convention Auction, Saturday starting at 7pm CST. Here is a sampling of our auction items. If you would like to bid on any of these please contact Tim Condict at: 405-380-5296 during the auction.

All proceeds help support our organization!

Whitetails of Oklahoma Convention Donations

(1)-Whitetail Metal Art Business Card Holder

(1)-Full Page Ad Design (D&K Design) for WOO Newsletter

(1)-Whitetail Metal Art Welcome Sign

(1)-Antler Lamp

(1)-Whitetail Shoulder Mount

(1)-A Day at the Capitol - Lunch with Favorite Legislator & Tour

(1)-Deer Shoulder Mount

(2)-Straws of Maximillion. Max/Y-27 100% Full brother to Maxbo

(1)-Straw of D/T Maximus Missle (330"+@4yr w/30" I.S.)

(2)-Straw of D/T Awesome Rip (300"+@4yr w/17" G-2's)

(1)-5 Gallon Bucket of Electrolyte Packs

(1)-Table Top Decoration (Deer Related)

(1)-Pneu-Dart Blo-Jector Kit

(1)-Corbin/G90(Thance's Mom) Doe Live Bred to Maximus D/T Double Wide-286" @ 3yr w/38" I.S.

(1)-Straw of Highlander (PA Geronimo son)

(1)-C&E Wildlife Products Fawn Health Pack

(2)-Rolls of 20-96-6 x 330' Stay-Tuff Fence

(2)-Rolls of 20-96-6 x 330' Stay-Tuff Fence

(1)-ADWA Antler-Handled Silver Stag Bowie Knife

(1)-1 Day Guided Fishing Trip for 2 @ Grand Lake O' the Cherokees

(1)-Delclayna 32" Guillotine Gate

(1)-Roll of 20-96-6 x 330' Stay-Tuff Fence

(1)-Custom Gate 8'H x 12"W

(1)-1 Day, 1 Night, 2 Person, Quail &/or Pheasant Hunt-All Inclusive

(1)-DNA Solutions Free Parentage Verification

(1)-DNA Solutions Free Parentage Verification

(1)-Free ad placement: Choice Ad Location in WOO Newsletter (Excludes Front Cover & Centerfold)- for 3 consecutive issues

(1)-Mossberg 12 Gauge Shot Gun

(1)-Deer Canvas Picture

(1)-Deer Woven Rug

(1 )-Straw of Protege (206"@2 Pinnacle Son/Banshee Doe)

(1)-Deer Stretcher

(1)-House Plant Tree

(1)-EBook: Proven Deer Handling Facility and Farm Plans

(1)-20# Pail of Superior Milk Replacer

(1)-$100 Certificate on Dan-Inject Products

(1)-Antler Pen w/ Logo & Personal Name Engraved in Wood Box

(1)-Shock Effect Whitetail Conditioner

(1)-Full Page Ad Space in DBC Issue of Choice

(2)-Rolls of 68" x 150' Green Shade Cloth w/300 Clip-Its

(1)-Fish Fryer

(2)-Doe AI Services by Reproductoin Solutions (Does Not Include CIDRs or Drugs)

(1)-Mooremaker Pocket Knife

(1)-Wooden Candle Holder w/4 Candles

(1)-8 Hour Free Dozer or Track Hoe Service (Travel Time is counted against 8 Hours)

(1)-Straw of D/T Maximus Double Wide-286" @ 3yr w/38" I.S. (Maximus DT/Little Dan)

(1)-Straw of Rawhide (Peacock Jr./Maxbo Ranger/Flees Gr-36/Heavy Y-10 Dolly, 280"+ w/30" Beams)

(1)-Mooremaker Hunting Knife in Leather Sheath

(1)-Full Page Ad Space in NADeFA Magazine Issue of Choice

(1)-45lb. Box of Zoologic Doe Milk Replacer

(1)-1 Day, 2 Person Bow Fishing Trip Below the Lake Texoma Dam

(1)-Live Cover to Wildfire Whitetails "Flashpoint" (Maxbo Ranger on Peacock's Womb Sister)

(2)-Rolls of 68" x 150' Green Shade Cloth

(2)-Cases of Bone Science Liquid Bone

(1)-Ton of MaxRax 17% Feed or Condict Doe Pellet Feed

(1)-Fawn Start Kit-Include Bottles w/Nipples, Fawn Mask, Bene-Bac & Choice Box of Doe Milk Replacer

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