X-Caliber and X-2 Pneu-Dart limited special

Deer Farmer Forum

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May 6, 2009
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Bf Products, Inc. is offereing a speacial deal on the first 2 Pneu-Dart X-Caliber Rifle and Pneu-Dart X-2 Pistol sold. This is $100.00 off the posted Pneu-Dart prices for each of these 2 offerings. Call Henry at (717) 238-7715 Monday thru Thursday 8am-5pm or call (717) 507-6385 evenings, Friday thru Monday. Remember this is for the first 2 sold of each only so it is limited and time is essential. Good luck with this special offering and we look forward to hearing from you. I am also attending some shows this year as in the past and I would be more then happy to bring your items along with me so it would save you the shipping.
If you order from us online, the shipping will not be correct, we are having issues trying to get our computer system working for these items and the computer is not as good with these as other items we sell. Please call (717) 238-7715 and ask for Henry to get a quote, thanks and sorry for any inconvience this may cause.
We have sold 1 X-Caliber projector so we have 1 remaining at this price as well as 1 X-2 Pistol remaining at this price. Thanks to those for looking and to those who have ordered so far.
Henry I already have the X-Caliber and love it, I will take the 2nd pistol if it has not been sold yet call me 330-283-3686
Rick, thanks for the purchase on the X-2 and the darts we spoke about on the phone. You have gotten the 2nd X-2 pistol of our special and now we have the 1 X-Caliber remaining to go at the special price. Thanks again Rick

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