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  1. H

    Need to buy a dart gun and Shute

    We finished our pens, we are having our inspection this week! Now we need several items and before we buy them new, we would like to ask if someone have for sale a dart gun and a Shute . Our farm is in Alabama please let me know as soon as possible! Thanks!👍🏻
  2. A

    Pneu Dart

    Can you use the type P dart in the 389 cartridge gun at low settings? What happens if you do? Somehow ended up with a bunch of yellow darts in a group I bought off a deer guy that got out.. Thanks for any input.
  3. J

    Dart Gun Options

    Alright guys I have finally decided I need a dart gun just in case I need to put someone to sleep in a hurry for any reason. I have been looking at Pneu-darts model 389 cartridge fired rifle but for some reason the model X-caliber gauged projector keeps catching my eye? The price difference is...
  4. J

    WANTED: dart gun...

    This is my first year of deer farming and I'm now looking to buy pneu-dart gun and accessories. Wondering if anybody has an extra, used, good condition dart gun for sale. I think I'll be okay with basic models, short range, up to 3 cc syringe type equipment. Will need darts, needles, CO2...
  5. B

    dart gun

    I have been looking for a used x-caliber co2 rifle dart gun. I was hoping to find a used one and save some money. This is not going so well. I am thinking beings its the best on the market no one wants or has one to sale. So what would be your second choice of dart gun to have?   Brent...
  6. J

    Best place to dart?

    Just curious what everyone's thoughts are. Where is the best place to dart a deer? The shoulder or the back hams?
  7. Freedom Whitetails

    Pnue dart model 193 cartridge fired dart gun

    Pneu dart model 193 cartridge fired dart gun for sale. Wood stock, black barrel, slight surface rust on barrel. 3x9 scope. Shoots great and is very accurate with any color charge. Will sell once new arrives any day now. Text or call 814-312-7833 Or email [email protected]
  8. T

    how old/big does a fawn need to be to dart it?

    I have 3 fawns right now that are having problem. all are buck fawns and on the mom and not able to catch to medicate. They are 4 & 7 & 8 weeks old. From doing some research on here, i dont think they have "lumpy jaw"  2 have small bumps/bulges on the sides of there face and one has about a...
  9. Martin's Deer Products

    Dart Guns for Rent

    Streamline Products, Inc. has X-Cal projectors for sale and we are even using one as a rental for those who's projector has broken down and they need one ASAP. The cost is $75.00 per day starting on the day of delivery and ending on the day of pick-up. (if projector arrives on Monday morning and...
  10. 400CLUB


    (0,0,0);Verdana, ;12px;background-(234,234,234)With scope, practice darts, regular darts, dart caddy, gun cleaning kit, extra boxes of power loads (cartridges). Similar kit with less extras sells for $965 new. This gun is like new. Can count the number of darts through it on one hand! $775
  11. J

    help with pneu dart repair

    So pneu dart sent me a rebuild kit for a 176b that is leaking air. The kit has a new pin that punctures the co2 but can't see how this part is removed. It seems there is another spring in this area to. The rest of the gun came apart nicely. Any help would be great. Thnx jason
  12. Wicked Whitetails

    Pneumonia in a fawn. Dart meds?

    Is the any medicine that u could put in a dart so that u wouldn't have to put the deer down?
  13. T

    Dart Gun question

    I just won a knew pneu x-caliper co2 gas fired dart gun, and I was wondering what type a dart you shoot and do you use flight stabilizers on your darts?
  14. V

    Dart hasn't come out yet

    I darted a doe yesterday that I just brought home from Indiana. She had a yellowish green discharge from her nose and some gunk in the corner of her eye...she was also coughing bad. I darted her with Draxin in the hind quarter with a gel collared dart and the dart stuck in her and disbursed...
  15. J

    dart guns?

    So it sounds like I need a dart for giving meds. Is there a brand, model that you have found that works the best for your money? Im not looking for the cheapest but im not looking at spending alot. Is there a good place to order meds online or just a local farm store?
  16. P

    Dart gun question

    I have a model 389 cartridge fired rifle. It has settings 1-5. What range do you typically use each setting? What color cartridge are you using?
  17. C

    darting a hard to dart buck

    Looking for help and advice on darting a buck that even given 5 cc of a darting mixture seems as if he "sleepwalking" not to go down. buck has gone down once and or twice before, but this last three times i have tried he seems to smart to not want to let this work! any advice PLEASE! thanks all!
  18. T

    Pneu dart gun

    Hello everyone, I am sooooo confused !!!. I would like to buy a dart gun for my husband for our anniversary in late March and haven't a clue on which one to buy. I do know he wants the rifle no pistol. I researched a few and they have the air activated, cartridge fire and the gauged, not sure...
  19. P

    dart gun recommendation

    I'm looking for recommendations on a dart gun. Just looking for ease of use and capable of handling most needs. Thanks in advance.
  20. G

    Protocall when you know a dart doesn't fire?

    Last night we went to move 2 does. Mixed 6:1 100 strength rompum to telezol. Shot the doe with 2cc. Hit the first doe good right were we wanted it, but it bounced straight back. I could see the fluid coming out the dart as it fell to the ground. It wasn't spraying like I have seen before...