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  1. P

    Pneu Dart update 9/19/11

    As of Monday September 19th phone service has been resorted.
  2. P

    Pneu Dart, Inc. update

    Through the hard work of local agencies, access to the property has been restored. Although still without phone service, we have been producing and shipping product at full capacity as of Tuesday September 13th. Thank you again for your patience and continued support.
  3. P

    Pneu Dart & Local Flood Waters

    Historical rainfall amounts resulting in excessive flooding has eliminated virtually every major route of egress to our facility. By the grace of a higher power, the plant itself suffered no damage and with a little luck we hope to gain access by Tuesday. Phone and internet service are proposed...
  4. D

    Looking For Dart Gun!!!

    My herd is on less than 2 acres. I'm not sure what type of dart gun to go with. I am keen on the Pneu-Dart product line. My herd scatters when I walk in with a syringe let alone a gun. But I'm not sure how well a CO2 Hand Gun would be with accuracy. Do I have to be certified to use one or just...
  5. N

    Mixing meds in one dart

    Can you mix medicines in one single dart? Are there some that just counteract their effects? I recently daeted a yearling with baytril, ivomec and b12 inone 4cc dart and it had no effect at all on him. Thanks
  6. D

    Pneu Dart in the movies

    A slow night and just had HBO on. A movie titled The Losers, 33 minutes into this action movie, they briefly use an excalibur to tranquile a soldier, then another uses two of the new co2 pistols, a couple minutes later the pistol fires a tracking dart into a vehicle to be tracked. Kind of...
  7. South Alabama Whitetails

    Pnue Dart

    Anyone else having problem with the darts? I shot 2 deer today and the dart did not inject the medicine. The deer ran around with the dart hanging out but never even wobbled. These deer usually go down easy. Both had to be redarted.
  8. H

    Dart Gun Question

    I have a dart gun that uses .22 cal dummy rounds and has five (5) pressure settings. Recently I had to dart a yearling buck with a pain med to treat an injury. The first time I used a 2 cc dart with the gun on #2 and the dart stuck perfectly into the yearling's thigh. The vet increased the...
  9. K

    What is the best dart size and medicine combo?

    We have been using 2cc gel collar darts with a 6 to 1 Xylazine/Telazol mix. We are having problems with getting all the medicine in to the deer. Our deer a calm and we have some darts bounce off and we have to re-dart to get them down all they way. We really do not want to use the barbed...
  10. D

    dart gun problems..

    I got ready to dart some deer today with my Pneu-dart model 193, shoots 22 blanks. I checked my gun at 50 yards and was a little left..ok. I checked it at 60 yards and was low, second shot low, third shot hit home. OK so far never shot it at 60 before. That was the last of that lot of 22 shells...
  11. B

    Pneu Dart - Model 389 Rifle

    I have been looking up on these guns. I was just wondering if anyone has one or know anyone who has one and was wondering what ya all thought of the gun? Pros & cons....
  12. M

    Has anyone used the new (Injection/Marking Dart) by Pnuer dart Company?

    Just wondering if these Darts work? Its suppose to mark the animal once the dart hits....maybe with glow in the dark paint,so you won't hit it twice. I called and the lady said something like .....I was suppose to supply the paint or something?
  13. T

    Need feed back on pneu dart's X-caliber

    I'm looking for a new dart gun and I was hoping to get some feed back form some people who have used the X-caliber. Pros and cons please. I have not been happy with the accuracy of the gun I have now, and like I said I'm looking for something better. thank you
  14. K

    Pneu Dart needle size

    For those of you who don,t know Pneu Dart has changed the size of their needles and the filler needles that you bought from them won't fit down into the dart needle to fill. You will have to use a finer filler needle to fill the new darts. Just wanted to let yall know so you don't cut the deer...
  15. L

    3yr old Buck with Dart BOBO

    I have a 3yr old buck that when I darted him 2 months ago he got a spot on him rump. It has not gotten better. The flies as you can see in the pic are on it. He can lick it clean easy. My question is if you treat it topical he will lick it off. If I dart again what meds to give and will it mess...
  16. W

    dart gun

    does anyone know where i can get a used dart gun