
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. C

    adm feed

    Who is feeding adm feeds if so What area you paying per ton and what percent protein is it , thanks for the help
  2. D

    How much to feed?

    I am wondering what people like to use to help put weight back on to the does after weaning. Most of my does look "thin" to me, they were in great shape but seem to be getting sucked down pretty hard from there fawns this summer. Not sure if it is common as this is the first year I've had fawns...
  3. SJames

    What to charge for feed and care?

    What would be the going rate for a group of deer brought into my place including feed and care, meds, paperwork, and basically the whole 9 yards? I am currently at about $500/ton on my feed and am looking for an amount to charge per deer per day. I have seen some past numbers but would really...
  4. S

    Looking for suggestions on best feed for fawns

    I am a rehabber in CT and new to this forum - although its been my "bible" for years. I am looking for some input as to the best feed for our fawns. We have 8 that will be released at the end of August - not by our choice, it's the law. For the last 6 years we have used Calf Manna. Please keep...
  5. T

    Feed storage question

    Anyone have any suggestions on what I can store my feed in? I feed a bag a day but will be close to two bags a day this fall. I buy by the ton and was storing in the barn, the racoons are fatter than the deer. I've been looking for free/cheap freezer or cooler but no luck. I'm feeding textured...
  6. W

    Feed & Grain Mixing

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hix96R9W5qI We have recently created a youtube video demonstrating how we mix our feed at the Whitetail Sales Deer Farm. The Gramin mixer is the only way to go. By mixing your own feed rations, you will achieve very consistent results, with a higher energy...
  7. Freedom Whitetails

    My lil buck fawn helping me feed his deer

    I took aiden with me to feed tonight he thought he would lay in the hay
  8. A

    Feed and toppings Q.?

    Hey guys, I have a few questions here! We have been feeding Record Rack Sportsman for quite a while and as the doe are now putting there nutrients into growing fawns and the bucks are starting to grow antlers we wanted them to eat more feed. We got some feed grade molasses and the deer...
  9. D

    Shock Effect On Mixing Feed

    I am going to give ever one a head up on mixing your additives at your farm.I have talk to alot of our customers already .And there is alot of our customers doing it now. Some farmers has been doing it for a long time with moasses. Soy oil blow moasses out of the water. Add 10 ous.of soy...
  10. C

    Feed Intake

    My deer are eating little less than 3lbs a day each right now, Is that normal? How much are your deer eating right now?
  11. P

    Feed testing

    Where can I send a sample of my feed to be tested?
  12. C

    Feed recipe

    Does any one have a feed recipe that they get mixed at a feed mill. I am looking for a good recipe that I can get mixed at a feed mill for a decent price. Even if you want to sell your recipe I would like to talk with you. Email me if anyone has something they are willing to share.
  13. W

    Blue creek feed company, el campo tx.

    Any one ever used any of their complete deer feeds. Like the texture and seems like a great feed just can't find much about online.
  14. W

    Purina feed

    Is anyone else using purina feed? If so how is it working for you and which do you actually use?
  15. L

    what to feed?

    Hello everyone, I've been cruising this site for about three months. My partner and I have finished our first set of pens and we are in the process of getting our licsense. My question for those of you that have been at this for a while is, are deer that are fed a more natural diet of grains...
  16. P

    Protein addition to feed

    What is the most cost effective way to increase protein and fat in feed?
  17. D

    Paying too much for Feed!!!!!!!!!!

    My local feed store, at my request, has been mixing a textured feed similar to the Redoy formula through Heartland. But they're charging me $650 a ton. Do you guys know of a commercial deer feed provider who could do better?
  18. South Alabama Whitetails

    Doe feed after fawning

    What do you feed your does after fawning. Mine seem to be really pulled down this year even with feed available 24 hours a day. I would like to put some fat on them.
  19. B

    Bulk Feed Bins

    We are in desperate need of a feed bin. We would like it to be anywhere from 4-6 ton. Please.anyone with any info let me know asap. Weather it be on here or by email. I greatlly appreciate it. Thanks guys
  20. H


    Does anyone feed sunflower seeds to their deer?