
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. richie0033

    Feed Mixer?

    I'm looking for a small feed mixer. Something to use to add molasses and additives to my feed. Can you just get a small cement mixer?
  2. W

    Got me thinking about costs of feed per deer....

    What are you guys spending on feed per deer on average? I forgot who wrote it, but I read in one of the posts recently....someone mentioned they raised goats, I think, and how cheap they were to raise per year (around $60). He agreed he'd spend a fortune if he used commercial feed on them, as...
  3. D

    Good Way To Raise Your Fat Levels In Your Feed

    Guys if you need to get your fat up this is a good way to do it with out lowering your fiber and protein. The protein avg. 19 % , fat avg 36 % ,fiber 28 % , carbs 34 %, cold press flax seed. It is one of the best fat that you can feed. It has Omega 3 20 % avg. Omega 6- 6 % avg ,Omega 9 -7 %...
  4. B

    Feed Bins

    Does anyone know where to find cheap feed bins? I have been looking all around and they are all so expensive. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks
  5. J

    Blood Meal in feed

    I am new at the deer farming game. I was wanting to know if anyone has used blood meal in their feed? what are the advantages and disadvantages of using these type products? Please help with any information. Thanks
  6. South Alabama Whitetails

    Purina Breeders Feed

    Has anyone used the complete feed from Purina for penned deer?
  7. T

    Bird $hit in the deer feed??? Help......

    Surely Im not the only one that has problems with these pesty birds not only eating my deer feed, but returning it to me in white pellets that cover the top of the feed. We tried feeding after dark only so that the birds dont eat it but we feel that thats a long stressful day for the deer in...
  8. J

    feed trough

    What,s the pros and cons to them ? Thinking about building one . Was planning on putting a roof over it and on skids to move it . Any other thoughts ?
  9. J

    check out my feed cart

    Here is the fined product built it myself . ( yes im a little proud of it ) :D6688:feed cart 001. 6689:feed cart 002.
  10. A

    Feed Back Needed

    This well be my first attempt at deer farming, I spent over a year researching pedigrees, prices, feed, handling facilities and farms plus a lot more... Here is what I've purchased to start out with. (See attachment) Would love to hear your thoughts on my foundation stock, breeding and...
  11. J

    pics of my feed bin

    Working on a feed bin . Its going to have an axle under it when i get it done. I think it will hold a little over a ton . 6635:065.
  12. B

    Thoughts on feed bins???

    I am looking into buying a feed bin. I am feeding a textured feed and i was wondering what everyones thought were on using them with textured feed. I did not know if it would get clogged up inside?
  13. E

    Feed choices to avoid bear

    Greetings I have a farm and deer live on it, but I am not a deer farmer. But I really do enjoy the deer. I am thinking about feeding them some for antlers and to help their numbers, but bears are very numerous here and bears are such pigs. I am wondering if any of the deer food choices are less...
  14. J

    Feed blend

    Can anyone supply me with a good feed blend ? I am looking for a complete list of how many pounds of each ingredients per ton .
  15. U

    feed requirements for non bred pet doe

    What kind of protein requiremets are needed for pet does, I have gotten conflicking reports from a couple of local deer guys that have just a handfull of deer. She is in a pen I've been told that is large enough for 4-5 deer she has acorns, clover, chickory, blackberry patches and plenty of...
  16. M

    How much feed!!!

    Hello All, I have a question that may be somewhat different. We have a herd of deer and it seems like they are eating WAY too much feed. We have 3 pens with 8-9 deer in each three pens. We are feeding them THREE 5gal buckets of feed in one day!(for each pen). They seem to be gaining...
  17. B

    Feed Recipes

    Does anyone have any solid feed recipes they feed their deer that they'd be willing to share? I have a recipe I'm using that is 18% protein and my herd looks pretty healthy but I want to make sure I'm feeding them everything they need. If there's something out there I'm missing or if there's...
  18. E

    Feed Analysis

    where do you send your feed for a complete analysis including fat and micro nutrients thanks bill
  19. T

    Give us your feed back

    We are looking at possibly drawing semen out of our buck. We would like some feed back if there might be a interest out there on semen straws out of him. :D I will attach pedigree & pictures.
  20. K

    How much to feed?

    We're bottlefeeding a fawn that is we guess around a week old, this one's an orphan. We're feeding him 4.5Oz, yet, he seems to still be hungry. Someone said that you shoudl feed 10% of the body weight, he weights 6lbs, that would be 9.6Oz though, seems a bit, much... I wanna clear that with you...