For Sale 75% desert mule deer doe for sale

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Apr 4, 2009
Vaughn, MT 59487
I watched the Midwest auction sale and was blown away on mule deer prices.
Quite frankly for that price of fifty four thousand I thought I'd offer one of my best does. We will LAP AI her this fall with Patron who is a Excalibur son and back her up to a Excalibur son. If you want a exceptional mule deer this is the one.
We will be looking for a out cross in 2018 and we hope to get something like this third buck. We always try to breed the best bucks we can get our hands on so we have improvement in our fawn crop each year.
We are in the process of doing DNA on all our other mule deer does and will be done by June on that. Here is a picture of Excalibur. Second picture is Patron the LAP AI sire.
For sale is a 75% desert doe her other 25% is a pure northern doe. She is a 2014 born doe. She is a daughter of Excalibur out of a 50% desert/ 50% Northern doe. Her DNA number is 189896 and her name is SR Cordilla. She will be LAP AI'd to Patron DNA # 1848 and he has tested as pure mule deer. Patron's sire is Excalibur. Excalibur was 280 SCI and 38 inches wide. In my opinion he is the Maxbo of the mule deer industry. She will be backed up with a Excalibur son DNA # 189807 named Kiabab Ranger. If she birth's from LAP AI the fawns will be 87.5% desert and the rest northern mule deer genetics. If she births from Kiabab the fawns will be 62.5% desert and the rest northern mule deer genetics.
Price is fifty four thousand If interested just call or email me at 406-467-2910 or [email protected]


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I watched the Midwest auction sale and was blown away on mule deer prices.
Quite frankly for that price of fifty four thousand I thought I'd offer one of my best does. We will LAP AI her this fall with Patron who is a Excalibur son and back her up to a Excalibur son. If you want a exceptional mule deer this is the one.
We are in the process of doing DNA on all our other mule deer does and will be done by June on that. Here is a picture of Excalibur.

For sale is a 75% desert doe her other 25% is a pure northern doe. She is a daughter of Excalibur out of a 50% desert/Northern doe. Her DNA number is 189896 and her name is SR Cordilla. She will be LAP AI'd to Patron DNA # 1848 and he has tested as pure mule deer. Patron's sire is Excalibur. Excalibur was 280 SCI and 38 inches wide. In my opinion he is the Maxbo of the mule deer industry. She will be backed up with a Excalibur son DNA # 189807 named Kiabab Ranger. If she birth's from LAP AI the fawns will be 87.5% desert. If she births from Kiabab the fawns will be 62.5% desert.
Price is fifty four thousand If interested just call or email me at 406-467-2910 or [email protected]

Gotta Love it Jack......Fool's and their money! Most of these up here will never make it a year old with the major weather changes. Glad you still have it goin on in your part of the world.....
If they follow the advice that I have learned over the years from people back East or where lots of rain is and work to keep them dry, place sheds, and worm them they will do fine.
Also they will never have the deer kill themselves when handling like whitetail do because they are very calm animals even when handling. They are more like elk in nature with much less flight fear which hurts the whitetails.
Hi Clay,
We are doing great. I make every day count.
My grandson shot the second biggest mule deer buck up in Augusta this last season. He is 12 years and made a 300 yard shot on him. My grand daughter got a nice fork mule deer at about 100 yards.
I think my old Indian client died or moved to Asia as he hasn't emailed in a year. He was a very interesting guy don't you think? LOL
Good to hear from you.
Damn Jack,

I wanted 2 of them, but I only had $100,000. Sorry maybe next year I'll scrape up the other
Just an update on how well this doe's sale is coming along. I've had some very reasonable offers on her if she was just a northern mule deer doe and not DNA'd to big desert mule deer bucks. Her sire was 280 and 38 inch's wide typical. I would have taken the offers for a northern doe but the offers fell short of what this doe is worth to me. Her pedigree and quality speaks for itself. FYI I'm very surprised she didn't sell as she is the only doe offered out of a 280 SCI typical 38 inch wide deer LAP AI'd to a quality buck of the quality of Patron and then backed up to another Excalibur son here on my ranch go figure.

Todd I could rustle up two good DNA's does just like her. That way you don't have to find the other 8000 so we have a deal. LOL
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Another great auction down in Texas on mule deer. Congratulations to buyer and seller on the mule deer sale. Six mule deer in a group of one buck and five does sold for 360,000 so averaged 60,000 each. That is just awesome for all the people in the mule deer business.
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I've been advised to take this doe off this market and put her in an auction. At this time I think that is what I will do or maybe I'll just keep her as there aren't many Excalibur does out there.. One of my friends said he would help me on this. Thanks
Having had mule deer for almost 40 years I figure I'm the grandfather of the mule deer industry. I have been using post mortem semen from trophy hunted deer for over 25 years because there wasn't any good mule deer bucks to choose from in our mule deer industry for AI. It has changing now and more and more good bucks are turning up in the mule deer industry many from semen from me.
I kept five good genetically bred buck fawns to grow out this year as I usually sell all I make each year before they are a year old. Sorry to say I raise stock to sell and clients have bought four of the five I kept. After we in Montana were not allowed to harvest our animals I saw no reason to raise up any stock for breeders or shooters and try to sell all stock produced each year like cattle people do. Thanks to all for reading my posts.
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Another great auction down in Texas on mule deer. Congratulations to buyer and seller on the mule deer sale. Six mule deer in a group of one buck and five does sold for 360,000 so averaged 60,000 each. That is just awesome for all the people in the mule deer business.

Seems like the auctions always bring those crazy high bids but person to person not so much? Things that make ya go Hmmm! Glad you are finally coming out on top of this Jack, Keep them rollin.......
I was offered 50K for a white doe a few days ago but as most of you know that is my pet project so didn't sell her. She has Patron fawns in her and usually has triplets. Maybe this year I will get three white mule deer fawns and not brown ones. One can only hope and pray.

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