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Mar 13, 2017
Baldwin Co., Alabama
Hello Cervid farmers,

I am interested in getting into the whitetail industry. I am not looking to start off large and by no means make a living, yet. I want to start with a small herd.
I have come here to get educated. I have spent quite some time researching the whitetail industry. Unfortunately, there are no local deer farms I can visit to help with this important process. I am full of questions and have come here searching for answers.
First and foremost, I was wondering if whitetail farming can be done under a decent budget. Keep in mind, I am only interested in a small herd. What would be a good ratio? Deer are social animals as I have learned and know that I should not pen any buck nor doe alone (unless quarantined). I am also working on a few acres (say 3). However, this property has the potential to expand (for future engagements).

This next question goes along with the layout of my farm, which I see is a common thread on this forum page. With a small herd, would it be best to invest in a dart gun or cattle chute? Working with limited space, a cattle chute and barn may not be the possible. What are your thoughts/ personal experience with dart guns?

Stocking my herd. This goes hand in hand with my first question. What price range of stock should I look for. How far is too far? And again, what ratio of deer should I look for. Should I start with a breeding buck, yearling buck and breeding does, or yearlings? Also, what is the best method of breeding: AI or natural? Do I simply pen a buck and doe in the same pen during breeding season?


Thank you to anyone who has taken timeout of their day to help me. Anything at all will help and I am grateful for any of your knowledge. I am very fortunate to have found you. I am sure I have a million other questions, but this will do.

Hunter R.
[email protected]
Baldwin Co., Alabama
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Hello Cervid farmers,

I am interested in getting into the whitetail industry. I am not looking to start off large and by no means make a living, yet. I want to start with a small herd.
I have come here to get educated. I have spent quite some time researching the whitetail industry. Unfortunately, there are no local deer farms I can visit to help with this important process. I am full of questions and have come here searching for answers.
First and foremost, I was wondering if whitetail farming can be done under a decent budget. Keep in mind, I am only interested in a small herd. What would be a good ratio? Deer are social animals as I have learned and know that I should not pen any buck nor doe alone (unless quarantined). I am also working on a few acres (say 3). However, this property has the potential to expand (for future engagements).

This next question goes along with the layout of my farm, which I see is a common thread on this forum page. With a small herd, would it be best to invest in a dart gun or cattle chute? Working with limited space, a cattle chute and barn may not be the possible. What are your thoughts/ personal experience with dart guns?

Stocking my herd. This goes hand in hand with my first question. What price range of stock should I look for. How far is too far? And again, what ratio of deer should I look for. Should I start with a breeding buck, yearling buck and breeding does, or yearlings? Also, what is the best method of breeding: AI or natural? Do I simply pen a buck and doe in the same pen during breeding season?


Thank you to anyone who has taken timeout of their day to help me. Anything at all will help and I am grateful for any of your knowledge. I am very fortunate to have found you. I am sure I have a million other questions, but this will do.

Hunter R.
Baldwin Co., Alabama

You are is a closed border state so you will pay for your animals. You should visit some farms and check out their fence setups and handling barn design.
No way are you going to use a Cattle chute get a deer chute. Get a dart gun, you will need it at some point. Get one from pnue dart. https://shop.pneudart.com/air-activated/model-178b-air-projector/ is a good beginner. I shoot that turd at my deer and it works great. And it's cheap if money is tight and if you think it's tight now don't even think about raising deer.
Amount of deer depends on how much land you have. Average 10 deer per acre.
Breeding: I ai and natural breed like many other farmer. After your AI date throw a cover buck in the pen on day 15 and that's it. Natural breed is just that. Throw the buck in there very beginning of nov or just before. Pull him out in Jan if you want or before new antler starts. Get your check book out because when you THINK YOU HAVE THIS ALL FIGURED OUT YOUR NOT EVEN CLOSE. dig deep. Alot ppl go belly up by the 3rd year. Good luck
dart guns are priceless i've had them all from small co2 to pump to cartridge to now the x caliber and you definitely get what you pay for. being that you are from a closed state its going to be harder to start out on lower budget but right now is definitely a buyers market in the north im not up on Alabama prices so i apologize but my recommendation to any new farmer is start with bred does you are two years ahead and you basically get three for the price of one - be sure to pick a momma with characteristics and pedigree names that you like and traits that you want to breed for or what you think or gather from others that the market is buying - because thats another tip what you may want to breed for is actually might not be what the market is wanting so you might have to change it up - your doe are your most important thing the doe in the equation is 70-75% of the outcome in the offspring in my opinion and close to the same in others you can ai to make yourself a breeder buck the semen market is flooded so you can get a straw of a buck with nearly everything your looking for all you have to do is look - you WILL find it - next piece of advice is get hooked up with a buyer for your bucks that you can work with i have three guys i can call on when bucks are finishing up and pretty much have them all sold just as they shed velvet and i treat them fair they take care of me i take care of them - always get paid when that deer leaves your property men lie and deer die
dart guns are priceless i've had them all from small co2 to pump to cartridge to now the x caliber and you definitely get what you pay for. being that you are from a closed state its going to be harder to start out on lower budget but right now is definitely a buyers market in the north im not up on Alabama prices so i apologize but my recommendation to any new farmer is start with bred does you are two years ahead and you basically get three for the price of one - be sure to pick a momma with characteristics and pedigree names that you like and traits that you want to breed for or what you think or gather from others that the market is buying - because thats another tip what you may want to breed for is actually might not be what the market is wanting so you might have to change it up - your doe are your most important thing the doe in the equation is 70-75% of the outcome in the offspring in my opinion and close to the same in others you can ai to make yourself a breeder buck the semen market is flooded so you can get a straw of a buck with nearly everything your looking for all you have to do is look - you WILL find it - next piece of advice is get hooked up with a buyer for your bucks that you can work with i have three guys i can call on when bucks are finishing up and pretty much have them all sold just as they shed velvet and i treat them fair they take care of me i take care of them - always get paid when that deer leaves your property men lie and deer die

Thank you so much for those tips! They are very helpful!!
You should get with the Alabama Deer Association. There are at least 10 farms within 2 hours or so of you. I started last year and will tell you that visiting farms before you start is key. Every farm you visit will try to sell you does. Just be patient and stick with good genetics. Feel free to contact me directly with any other questions.
Dennis 334-434-3424
Hunter926, feel free to call me any time. We are located in Linden, Al (Marengo county). I have been in the deer breeding business for about four years now and would love to help you/ learn more with you. I'm always looking for more connections and especially new farmers. I would also like to show you around our operation and give you any advice that I can.
Jake Freeman- (334) 654-4132
Hunter my name is Brian,I go by alabama coastal whitetails here in south baldwin county near the beach . I started with two fawns six years ago because of cost . As granddaddy said don't invest what you can't afford to lose, or loan someone what you can't afford to give them . But slowly I've built a nice herd . Thanks to some really nice people here in alabama and Ryan walk of PA and mr John of rocky ridge whitetails . They knew I was just starting and worked with me on some really good straws . Now we are growing some nice deer. You are welcome to contact me at 251-978-3486, I would be glad to have you visit my deer farm.

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