Help me please!!!

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Aug 4, 2009
Sorry guys - but i needed to get some attention to this tread. Ok, you all know by now how much my girls mean to me - and im also sure that you have noticed how scared i get when they don't act themselves - worried momma - i know.

Here's the situation. I came home for lunch today and noticed faline rubbing her head on everything - wall, house, me, nina - herself. Did not worry to much about it at the time. This evening she is doing the same thing. When i touch her face - her nostril curls and the corner of her eyes flare - if that makes sense. She seems sorta lathargic - not so much laying but standing in the same spot - i have to push her to get her to move an inch. She is eating very little - no apples but she will eat her cookies. She wags her tail - which is not normal - so i checked her anal/******l area and she has clear fluid coming from her ******. I checked her temp - 101.2. What do you guys think? Please help me - i know how tough deer are but i also know that sometimes they are not very tough.

Any ideas, suggestions, anything?

Thank you - gail
Knowing you don't have a buck, good clear fluid from her might indicate she is in heat. If that is the case she will be ok in a few days. Rubbing her head on things could mean she is trying to put out her scent to find a nice guy. Your doe is very imprinted on you. I have one like that and she has acted that way sort of when in heat to me, but I gave her a better guy than me and the problem was solved. LOL My first guess is this is the problem.

If she starts to circle when she walks or uses her head to help her stand she has a problem. Had one do that early this year and gave her penicillin G and something else which I will look up in my records if you need it. Good luck Gail
When you said rubs her head I thought heat

When you said about her eyes I thought heat

When you said nostril curls I thought heat

and when you say tail wags I think heat...

The only thing I question is lethargic...unless see is just standing like as if for a buck.

It sounds like heat to me... but ARE HER EARS AND EYES CLEAR AND NORMAL?
Thank you both for the responses. I initially thought heat as well, but I just never noticed the nostril/eye thing - nor have I noticed the clear fluid before. When she had been in heat before she would pace back & forth - walking the fence line - back & forth - panting. There appears to be a lot of clear fluid coming from her as well. She just seems sooooo quiet. Her eyes are clear and her ears are alert - it's just all the other stuff that worried me. When I open the door to go out/in I have to push her to move, otherwise she just stands there. I know them sooo well that when they act the slightest bit different I worry. I have just read stories on here of deer acting perfectly normal then somehow die that very day. I just walked over to her and started praying for her - asking God to heal her body and make her better. Oh my, if this is "heat" he is up there laughing & thinking - girl you have got to chill! LOL

Thank you again Jack & Painted Meadows - the two of you are much appreciated!
LOL! Does the way they respond to their "heat" cycle change the older they get? Nina went into heat a couple of times and she did just what Faline has done in the past - pacing back & forth & walking the fence line. This standing still, rubbing heads, flaring nostrils & eyes, and fluid is all new to me. Just wondering.....

Thanks guys :)
She probably is in heat, althoug its a little late.If her stomach looks larger than normal,call the vet.. I have had deer in the past act similar to that and they end up having twisted intestines. I hope thats not the case. Good luck with her. Darren
Gail we had a doe fawn last year reacting very similar last winter. She would walk in front of us and stop trying to block our way. I noticed the head rubbing nostral flaring and clear fluid. She was also flagging her tail to the side when we would rub her back. Didn't eat much for about three days except her animal crackers. We figured heat and after about three days she returned to normal. Hope thats all your dealing with. Rick

How is faline today? She should be out of heat or close to it if she was standing heat the other day. Is she starting to look like the Faline you know and love?? Just curious.
Thanks Jack. Sorry for the late reply, I have not been on my computer the last couple of days. I am so happy to say -yes, Faline has returned to the Faline I know & love oh so much! I guess that's what it was - standing heat. So then, standing heat is something different than normal heat? I am guessing the answer is yes since there was a difference in the way she was acting. Thank you for asking about her - I appreciate it :)

Thank you to everyone else for responding to the thread. I really try not to get paranoid but I just can't help it. My girls are my world and I just can't bare the thought of losing them, especially to something that could have been prevented.

Thanks again & God Bless

Felt bad because I left Nina out - so here is a pic of her too :)


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What a nice spot for your deer to live in. It is very pretty. People without knowledge always say the pen deer have it so bad, you know lack of predators with the possibility of being eaten alive is missed by our deer I'm sure. Top quality food all year instead of only in the summer months, I'm sure pen deer would rather fight for their food and face starvation in winter like the wild deer do. As you can tell I had to talk to a stupid today. Just venting with people I know understand.

Glad your deer are doing good for you Gail.
I'm sorry. I know what you mean Jack - about 2 years ago I actually had a hunter tell me how my deer are "abused" because they are caged. This actually took place at my office Christmas party (the husband of a co-worker). I fired back of course - but it made me sooooo MAD!! Abused??? Really???? My deer get more love and attention than most children (unfortunately).

As far as my pen - it really is a very pretty setting. My home is on top of a hill - then there is another hill behind me and another hill behind that hill (BIG hills). We own 5 acres and my girls have about 1/2 acre. Wish I could give them more but I am afraid that if I go too far out I will not be able to see them as it is very wooded. I love taking pictures of my girls - especially when it snows - makes for BEAUTIFUL pics. I hope your day, or night rather - gets better.

God Bless-


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