Help with feeding a deer fawn

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Aug 25, 2022
Hello. My son found a fawn in the middle of the road and stopped to see what was wrong. It came straight to him and tried to suck on his leg. He walked up the road a bit and found its moma dead. it still had it umbilical cord. He brought it to me and i have been caring for her for about 2-2.5 months. She is happy and healthy and thinks she is a dog. I have been bottle feeding her and giving her some fruits and veggies. She loves bananas, grapes, apples and carrots etc. Her bowels are good and she runs and plays and stays out and grazes while im at work. I just noticed she is loosing some of her hair on her sides and belly. I know they need vitamin D, but i dont know how much. I have some infant Vit D drops, but how much should i put in her bottle, and when should i take her off the bottle. I cant get her to drink water out of a bowl at all. I even give her water from a bottle not just her formula. Just need a little help with this. Thanks.
She should be able to be weened around 10 weeks. I would buy a bag of Manna Pro Calf Manna, then switch her to a good deer feed after that bag is gone. Manna Pro is around $40 a bag, but very nutritious, and easily digestible. Regular deer feed should run you about $15 a bag.

Hopefully she had a chance to nurse before mom died. If not, her immune system will be very week.

Proceed carefully. In some areas the game warden will come and put a deer down if they think someone is making a pet out of it.

God Bless you for helping her.

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