Our symptoms for clostridium are bloat, wobbly legs, and just lay around or when they lay down they will just plop or drop down like they fell. The grind their teeth, and will not suck at all, or try to suck for a few seconds and then quit, and just try and lick the milk as it dribbles out of the bottle. They will hunch up like they have a stomach ache, and their hair looks like it is standing on end.
Here is what my vet Rachel Weiss Suggested. This is the best advice I have gotten and I can give. This may work for you or may not. I repeat this is what I am doing and have had good success with it saving 5 fawns and the last one is well on his way to beating clostridium.
First and foremost stop feeding them milk and get them off all other feed. Start them on pedialite or electrolytes immediately, you may have to feed them through a feeding tube the first couple of times. You can add either pepcid A/C, Tagamet, or Pepto Bismal to the feeding of electrolytes. Do this for 48 hours. NO FOOD OR MILK AT ALL for 48 hours!!!
They should start to respond to the bottle after a couple of times tubing them once the anti acid starts to kick in.
Along with the electrolytes I gave them 10 cc C & D Antitoxin, 3 cc long lasting penicillin under the shin and 3cc down the mouth. I also gave the 2 cc survive D, and 2 cc Vit B each day for 3 days.
On day 3 I start them back on milk and water mixed 1 part milk to 2 parts water at about 7 ounces per feeding. I have taken that up to a 50-50 milk to water ratio for the last 2 days and then I increase the milk and decrease the wtaer each day by one ounce until I am on straight milk again. I then start to add feed and grain back in. Do not start back on vegetation or clover until you are sure that the clostridium is gone. The vegetation is about 90% of why the problem started in the first place.
I also gave them a fusoguard and clostridium Type A vaccine that I got from Rusty & Susan Carrol. I will never have another fawn that does not get this vaccine as well. Some of the reports that I have gotten from other deer farmers is that they have clostridium Type A and I think this stuff may be a life saver for the ones that we think are to far gone. The last fawn that I had like this started 3 weeks ago and I have been able to keep alive. I have just given him the Fusogaurd vaccine 32 hours ago with the Clostridium Type A vaccine and he has made a miracle recovery. He is doing great. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Hope this helps someone out, I know I just got a pone message tonight that The Thayers had 2 fawns in question and they are back to doing well this evening.