I would worm him again, I always do in late March to prepare for the worms and parasites that can come up after the ground thaw starts. As long as he is eating and has normal stool, I would say he was indeed just run down, this is my opinion. It happens, winter has been long and cold this year, combine that with their slow metabolism at that time of year, and it is a recipe for some weight loss. All my bucks lost weight this winter, some more than others. I don't usually get concerned until I start seeing their shoulders and hip bones becoming a bit noticeable, or I notice them not consuming much food. By the end of April the weight will really start pouring back on, that is when their metabolism starts to really kick back into high gear, I have really noticed an increase in feed consumption the past two weeks in all my pens, but especially my yearling buck pen, they went from a half bucket a day to a full bucket a day in a matter of a week.