5 month old doe fawn with diarreah

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May 31, 2011
Western Kentucky
Hello, well our first baby is sick! She up until now has been very healty with no problems at all.

Two days ago i notices she didnt come running to meet me. Went and found her laying down and she didnt really want to get up. She did nose shiny hair not broistled out but just looked like she didnt feel good.

Gave her 1/2 cc of draxxin, 24 hours later not any better. Raised up her tail and found she was messy!

Calle my buddy joe at majestic whitetails.

We have done the following


1st day 

1/2 cc draxxin

3/4 cc vormectin injrctale in her mouth



sencond day

1/2 cc baytril

1/2 cc banamine

started corid in drinking water

giving her some gatorade in her old bottle..she drinks a little.


third day

1/2 cc draxxin

keeping corid in water


she does nibble on clover and will eat the Dumor apple flavored horse cookies that i give them all each day for treats.

she will only maybe eat 1 or two where she usually would eat 50 if you would let her have them

I have not seen her eat any of her grain in 3 days.

when she comes inside she will drink a little of her water witht eh corid mixture



In MY Opinion ...................Once you choose Draxxin as your first choice. You need to give it time to work and 24 hours is usally not enough time. Also the Draxxin will most likely fight any other type Antibiotic you give for the next 14 days!


I would also give some Pro Bias paste.


Best of Luck
didnt think i had time for a stool sample..figured she would be dead b4 now!

She seems to be a lot better 96 hours later.....
She;s back to eating and drinking...over a gallon fo water with corid mixed per day...seems she was thirsty huh?

Went and got a top dressing probios to add to her food tonight.(TSC)

Shes 70% back to her sassy self.

Still keepijg my fingers crossed, rainy and cold for the next few nights and days here.

Kept her locked up inside last night but she wouldnt ever lay down she just walked the building all night.

Shes in the clover field bedded down neat her mother tonight.


thanks for asking

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