ACA Council Discusses Wisconsin CWD & Creates Advisory Committees

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Nov 13, 2012
Garnett, Kansas
From the American Cervid Alliance News Room

December 10, 2013


18pxACA Council Discusses Wisconsin CWD & Creates Advisory Committees

ACA Votes to Ask USDA to Start Process to Open Federal CWD Rule


AYR, NE- The American Cervid Alliance Leadership Council convened Tuesday, December 10, 2013, to discuss several industry concerns including the new CWD case in Wisconsin.  The meeting also marked the one year anniversary of the creation of the alliance.

Laurie Seale, representing Whitetails of Wisconsin, provided the council with an update of the latest news pertaining to the CWD positive whitetail buck at a Wisconsin trophy ranch.  Council representatives asked several questions as they sorted out possibilities and future impacts this may have on the industry.  There was speculation of what degree trace-out quarantines would occur and how soon they could be lifted pending epidemiological investigations. Harvey Petracek of the Saskatchewan Cervid Alliance gave an update of the CWD vaccine progress. 


The council discussed the current status of CWD Standards Version 23 and possible scenarios. Leaders are committed to preparing pertinent comments regarding lingering concerns during the ninety day comment period.  Several members stated the ACA should start working to open the Federal Rule to address concerns that were not resolved before it went into effect.  Todd Landt of the Iowa Whitetail Deer Breeders Association offered a motion to send Dr Clifford a letter asking to start the process to open and amend the rule. The Landt motion prevailed 19-0.


There was discussion of the growing number of news articles and editorials seen in the media with incorrect facts about the cervid industry, most commonly pertaining to CWD impacts.  It was suggested the council keep a close eye on articles regarding the industry. A motion was made by Curt Waldvogel of the Second Ark Foundation, seconded by Donald Hill of the Missouri Whitetail Deer Breeders & Hunting Ranch Association, to create a committee to collect and review editorials and other media and then offer recommendations to the council.  The motion carried 20-0. Charly Seale will chair the “Media Review Committeeâ€� with Gary Olson, Barry McGrew, Donald Hill, Curt Waldvogel, and Laurie Seale, as committee members.


Travis Lowe, representing the Kansas Cervid Breeders Association, said that cervid breeders within the industry need to eliminate certain words from their vocabularies that portray the industry in a negative way with the general public. A motion was made by Charly Seale of the Exotic Wildlife Association and seconded by Gary Olson of the Minnesota Deer Farmers Association, to create a new committee to review key terminology and suggest alternatives.  The Seale motion carried 20-0.  Warren Bluntzer will chair the “Industry Terminology Committee,â€� with Jerry Campbell, Travis Lowe, Todd Landt, Kurt Humphrey, Kevin Hinkebein, and Donald Hill, as members of the committee.


The council heard updates on the Wisconsin Elk Relocation project from Joel Espe of the Wisconsin Commercial Deer & Elk Farmers Association and the New York public hearings on their border closure threat from Angie Kerry of the New York Deer & Elk Farmers Association. 


Eric Mohlman and Travis Lowe were re-elected by the ACA Councilmen as Moderator and Secretary/Treasurer, respectively.  The two officer positions within the ACA exist as required by the IRS as a 501c5 organization.  The elections serve for 2014.  Gary Olson of the Minnesota Deer Farmers Association nominated Eric Mohlman to as moderator for the next year.  There were no other nominations for the position. Curt Waldvogel of the Second Ark Foundation nominated Travis Lowe for Secretary/Treasurer. There were no other nominations and both nominees were elected by unanimous consent.
This will probably be taken in the wrong context than what is meant but if the ACA is made up of 31 leaders representing 31 Assoc which in turn represents 1000.s of members why is it the same names that keep poping up for duties being represented by the ACA?

 Not sure but i think the 31 leaders could reach out to other farmers to see if there is any that want to maybe...Do a little more..instead of the same names being seen over and over whenever ACA sends something out to the masses!


Just a guess from a person on the sidelines watching is that ACA has the same issue any orgs do. Most are along for the ride while a handful of people do the biggest share of the work. Thank God for those who are willing to do the work or nothing would ever be accomplished. God knows my days of doing my part are over with.
LOL, well I was told years ago to "think more before I spoke."

I haven't seemed to master that yet though, so what you get from me is what I am thinking.
We did our share in the day as well! Sometimes it comes down to who has the time and flexible work schedule. Some of these folks are retired, or don't have a 8-5 kind of job like many folks. Or some actually have organizations paying for their time, which makes a big difference in how much you can devote to a cause. That is part of it anyway!

One more thing, committees can be formed for many things, but what they actually accomplish is the true test. To be successful you have to have leaders who know how to motivate and delegate, and be open to working with all.

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