ACA Creates Two Committees to Address Industry’s Negative Publicity

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Nov 13, 2012
Garnett, Kansas
From the American Cervid Alliance News Room

December 11, 2013


18pxACA Creates Two Committees to Address Industry’s Negative Publicity
Warren Bluntzer and Charly Seale named Chairmen; Ask for Input from Breeders

AYR, NE- The American Cervid Alliance Leadership Council unanimously approved the creation of two new committees to address growing concerns regarding inaccurate news articles and industry terminology. The decision came during a recent ACA council meeting when several council members looked for ways to improve public perception.


The first industry committee called the “Media Review Committeeâ€� will serve as a collection point for any industry member who wishes to forward news articles and editorials that portray the cervid industry in a negative way or uses non factual or false statements concerning the industry.  The committee will then examine the suggestions and make recommendations to the ACA Council for any type of response or legal action.  The ACA will then turn these documents over to the ACA attorneys for input and recommendations on possible recourse. Any action will be completely vetted by the ACA members with the advice of our legal council during regularly scheduled meetings.  


The second committee approved by the ACA Council will be known as the “Industry Terminology Committeeâ€�.  This committee will offer a comprehensive review of key terms used within the cervid industry that could have a negative connotation. The committee will take suggestions from any deer or elk breeder on words or phrases that should be considered. The committee will bring a list of recommendations to the ACA council. For example, “shooter buckâ€� could be better portrayed as “trophy buck.â€�


During the meeting, Donald Hill, the councilman representing the Missouri Whitetail Deer Breeders & Hunting Ranch Association, stated that “this is about defending our industry; these negative articles slandering the industry cannot continue to go unchecked.�


Both committee chairmen are asking for suggestions from anyone with ideas.  Furthermore, if any person is interested in assisting either one of the committees, they can be added to the list.  The committee rosters are as follows:

Industry Terminology Committee

Chairman: Warren Bluntzer  ([email protected])

Members: Jerry Campbell, Glen Dice, Donald Hill, Kevin Hinkebein, Kurt Humphrey, Todd Landt, and Travis Lowe.

Media Review Committee

Chairman: Charly Seale  ([email protected])

Members: Glen Dice, Donald Hill, Barry McGrew, Gary Olson, Laurie Seale, and Curt Waldvogel.


From the American Cervid Alliance News Room

December 11, 2013


18pxACA Creates Two Committees to Address Industry’s Negative Publicity
Warren Bluntzer and Charly Seale named Chairmen; Ask for Input from Breeders


The first industry committee called the “Media Review Committeeâ€� will serve as a collection point for any industry member who wishes to forward news articles and editorials that portray the cervid industry in a negative way or uses non factual or false statements concerning the industry.  The committee will then examine the suggestions and make recommendations to the ACA Council for any type of response or legal action.   


Why does everything in our indusrty involve "legal action"? how about we quit trying to sue everyone.


The biggest thing we need to do is remove this horrible portrayal everyone has of CWD. That would probably solve over half of our problems.
I think this is a positive step forward, anything that can be done to alter the semi brainwashed state of people and there views of pen raised deer. The reality is, pen raised deer are far better off then 95% of any other pen raised animals. 
Should NOT be to hard to find "Negative Media" about the Deer Industry...................Just Check about ANY Hunting Related site on the Ol World Wide

Web..................Sadly they are full of Negatives and Half Truths!  :(

 Just curious...  You said, the "the biggest thing we need to do is remove this horrible portrayal everyone has of CWD. That would probably solve over half of our problems"...

How do you think we accomplish that?

Look at Missouri for example. A state that is being targeted to close their borders for cervid import/export just like New York. The two Missouri associations are working like dogs getting the word out to the public and legislators about the negative impacts that would bring their industries, businesses, and families.  And they are doing a great job at it.  But meanwhile as we speak negative articles and even radio ads are flooding the Missouri media contending our industry is putting the Missouri free ranging herd at risk. Nevermind the fact the Missouri Dept of Conservation reported 10,177 cases of EHD in the state last year. But they are holding a dozen public hearings across the state of "how to contain CWD"...

A high percentage of the negative media doing the "horrible portraying of CWD" comes from state wildlife agencies and others that simply do not like our industry... All this committee is doing is identifying negative media and discerning whether if its just bias (which is okay) and what is libel that is used to damage the industry and your checkbook.  Its all a process. What will happen, we don’t know. But they are solutions to a problem.


I personally am grateful to the great people volunteering their time to work on these committees in search of solutions..

Just my thoughts,

Travis is right on the fact the wildlife agencies are the ones shifting blame away from wildlife as the disease problem to the game farm industry.   In Montana they were the main sourse for all negative ads when I-143 was being pushed out as the fix for all wildlife diseases here in Montana.  This industry doesn't have the money to stop this agency so the industry will have to look for other solutions to stop these people.  We have a lot of great minds in this industry and just maybe one of them will come up with the right answer.  In the meantime this industry has to keep pushing the value of this industry, the health of our animals and the fact that our livestock is not the problem.  In the long run it is this industry's money that will find a way to stop CWD on private owned deer and elk.

Can you see that in the future of CWD on game farms, I can and pray for that to happen.  Then what will the critics of this industry come up with for scare tactics to the public?

Travis is right on the fact the wildlife agencies are the ones shifting blame away from wildlife as the disease problem to the game farm industry.   In Montana they were the main sourse for all negative ads when I-143 was being pushed out as the fix for all wildlife diseases here in Montana.  This industry doesn't have the money to stop this agency so the industry will have to look for other solutions to stop these people.  We have a lot of great minds in this industry and just maybe one of them will come up with the right answer.  In the meantime this industry has to keep pushing the value of this industry, the health of our animals and the fact that our livestock is not the problem.  In the long run it is this industry's money that will find a way to stop CWD on private owned deer and elk.

Can you see that in the future of CWD on game farms, I can and pray for that to happen.  Then what will the critics of this industry come up with for scare tactics to the public?

Great words Jack!     About a year and a half ago we were asked what we thought would help fix this industry and it was all about the fact that our little industry diidnt have the cash to fight like the beef guys do! BULL!!!!! One great lot at NADEFA last year about a biggest yearling involved how many thousands??

 There are many in this industry that have made millions in deer. .Now may be a good time for all of us to step up with all we can!.  This industry just got hit hard with this last case of cwd and not very long ago someone on these forums said..Wait till someone BIG gets hit with a case of cwd. Guess what????  Yup we are there! 

 Jack is right and there are some great,great minds on our team that are giving their time to help us and we all thank them for that. Right now we need MONEY AND BIG NAMES IN THE PUBLIC speaking for us like keith warren did awhile back. Look how much the Iowa farm had to pay to fight their case. When we were asked 1 1/2 years ago what we though would help us i said that we needed to do what the beef guys do when they sell their animals. A percent of every sale that goes through every auction company or any sale like on the exchange needs to go to a spot somewhere in our industry and is then ear marked for our own PR person or persons that speak on tv shows and in papers that just tells the truth and shows the science.I still believe that to be the case and would raise us thousands of dollars every year. I really cant see anyone in this industry being against that unless they have an agenda of their own in a closed state or something. When Rhonda and Tom win their fight in Iowa and its fresh on the publics mind, We need to press the truth and the facts. That takes money and good PR people! My fast math shows the chupp boyz just had a great sale of 1.3 million with just over 200 animals..great sale for sure and alot of money. One would think with sales like that, what..6 or 7 times a year?   We all should take our..Deer Check Off.. money and use it to get the truth, That the dnr's and dec's dont want to use.. out to the public.. 

 Just a thought!
Good ideas Mike. I see here in Wisconsin the state was trying to take a reasonable approach to CWD by quarantining individual animals and not the whole farm, BUT USDA won't let them do it, threatening the state telling them they will lose their status. So no matter what a state does, if USDA can stick their noses into it that is where we need to start. They need to get their noses out of it and let the states take a reasonable approach.
Your exactly right Wild Rivers,

Dr McGraw is taking a reasonable approach, something that didnt happen it Iowa. And now the USDA is over-ruling him by flexing their muscles from the FEDERAL RULE. RULE, not the standards. 


There is no protection offered by the rule. There is no uniformity offered by the Rule, except they cant go lower with reasonable approach. States can, always have, and always will go higher if they want to increase their import requirements or even shut down their borders. Its the Federal Government telling the 30 states with cervid farming what they can and cant do.  Every state is different in their requirements. There is no uniformity. This is smoke and mirrors. 


This is not what the industry asked for. 
Mike is sure right we need to force everyone to contrubute money and a check off like cattle has on their sales will do the trick.  We need the best PR people to get out positive statements about CWD instead of the crap the DNR puts out to cover their ass about CWD.  It is time we as an industry place more science information out to the public.  If the public has other information out there to offset the crap scare tactics the DNR puts out we have a chance to win for the industry.  If the public turns against us we all will be out of business.
I never said I had the answer. But I do believe that is our main problem. Gotta find a way to get some of these big hunting groups on our side, but that will take forever to happen.Too many people that wont take a stand for something. Maybe all these small groups that keep popping up can help the numbers on our side.

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