AI questions

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Feb 11, 2019
This will be the first year doing AI on my farm. I have a couple questions...

1. My straws are stored at GLSS. How far in advance should I have them send me my semen ?

2. Do I need to get my own semen tank for when the straws arrive or will they send them in a tank I can use?

Thanks for any help
Please let me know if you receive some information about this from GLSS. I am having some similar questions regarding my straws.
You have to call Glss and schedule your shipping at least 2 weeks in advance. They will send u a tank with your straws but you have to send tank back to them. It cost something like $165 if I remember correctly.
Tanks have limited liquid nitrogen. They usually pick up tank in the same week. I would advice getting own tank.
Talk to the person that is doing your insemination. Often they can have the semen shipped to them, and carry it in their tank for your AI. Shipper tanks are very limited at that time of the year, as everyone needs them in about the same 3 week period.

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