Am I reading this wrong

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And my understanding is idefa supports this. Todd this happened when I was on the board too. A bill mysteriously appeared and nobody knew where it came from hmmmmm. Stupid to think that once they approve 4 you can get more when they won't approve more for the last 10 yrs!!!!! Let it die and let the court rule. 3/4 judges have already said DNR had no jurisdiction to do what they did.
It will not pass this way. There are both democrats and republicans in the Indiana legislature who are free market capitalist.

It will not pass this way. There are both democrats and republicans in the Indiana legislature who are free market capitalist.

Then you wait another year???????
If it doesn't pass anyone in Indiana will still be able to own and operate a preserve. We have a very conservative Supreme Court in Indiana. The current language in this bill is bologna. Our neighbors in Illinois still have the same number of preserves that they had 5 years ago. This is an attempt at a monopoly. There were more than 4 preserves in Indiana when the DNR made the administrative rule to shut them down. Why are only the 4 preserves named in the lawsuit who chose to violate the statute being given preference over those who followed the statute in this amended legislation? Let free enterprise remove undesirable facilities.
Boys just to let you guys know that we had to sign up for regulator costs which I wanted some type of cap on.  We started out at about 10 buck per head fawn to adult.  We are now at 36 bucks per head fawns to adult on every animal we own and the price will continue to go up as farms quite raising deer and elk.  Our production fees, CWD fees and paper work are just making the business unbearable.
Concerning House Bill 1453, this bill was amended today to limit the Preserves to the 4 currently in operation. This is contrary to Free Enterprise and gives them a monopoly. These 4 Preserves defied the DNR ruling that ordered the 11 Preserves in operation to be shut down.

Hurricane Creek Outfitters which I own, was one of the original Preserves, and operating at the time of the DNR ruling. This bill now disallows the Preserves who complied with the DNR ruling, and rewards the 4 who defied the DNR ruling and continued to operate by an injunction.

The Preserves who shut down have been party to hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in this legal battle, seeking to have their rights restored to once again operate their Preserves.

In addition, they lost their income from their preserves for the last 9 years. The 4 Preserves who continued to operate have not lost their income. The right thing to do is to restore the constitutional property rights to all Preserves, not just the 4 who continued to operate in defiance of the DNR ruling.

It is wrong to "ok" the 4 who continue to operate, and shut out the Preserve owners who honored the DNR ruling.

Governor Pence, why would you reward those who break the rules and penalize those who keep the rules? It simply does not make sense.

The bill as it was introduced was a fair bill. Now we have an amended bill that says, "Reward the disobedient and disallow the obedient." Is that the kind of law Indiana wants to pass?
High fencing large tracks of land preserves wildlife habitat and land from development. If adequate cover and food sources are available a whitetails natural habits will not be effected by high fencing large tracks of private property. Check out the movements of the whitetail in this study.
Hunting has evolved. Running deer with dogs was a tradition that many folks once considered part of their hunting heritage. There is a reason that most men stare at deer and it is not the meat at which they stare. The competition for trophies is what makes the whitetail the crown jewel of big game animals in the US. Without the quest for trophies the main funding mechanism for wildlife would be gone.Why is the challenge of hunting a big buck so mysterious? With any amount of management such as trail cams, range finders,hunting guides, bait,feeders, guns, bow & arrows,four wheelers, climbing stands and etc the hunt becomes less mysterious. There is no magic in the woods. Either the buck is on the property or not. If the genetics aren't in the area magic and mystery will not help a giant show up. You may be the best hunter in the world but if he isn't ever going to be in your woods you will not harvest him. The key to successfully harvesting monster whitetails is good management. High fence is the most efficient management tool. It enables conservation of the best genetics in a herd. Hunting ethics are very personal. In my opinion each hunter should decide the type of hunt that fits.
There is plenty of room in Indiana for high fenced private property and free range hunters to both exist and continue to hunt.
Just fence in your lands and let word of mouth be your guide.Do not advertise hunts at first, Word will travel and hunts will come. Anybody asks..This is MY PRIVATE land that family and friends hunt. Period!  They want to push the going by the law thing...You need to push back. They cant stop anyone from putting a fence around your property regardless if its a 4 strand barb wire or an 8ft Solid lock. 
Tree..................Hurricane Creek Outfitters in Decataur County is a high fence operation. I thought the same thing when I first watched the show on the Outdoor Channel last year. It is old footage. "Gone Huntin with Keith and Tony" are no better than than Jimmy Houston buddy. Just wanted to fill you in on what I know. I do not like any Outdoor hunting show where they are filming huge bucks getting harvested by the so called "Profesional Hunter" and making big bucks off us while doing it..............only to find out later they were in a high fence operation. That is why I only get excited over Primos Truth and Drury Outdoors. Those guys are legite.........


#4Feb 24, 2006 Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2006
I have heard that Drury brothers have a ton of people out scouting for them and basically have everything set up when they arrive. They can call it fair chase, but it is less fair chase than on most high fenced places.

Say, hope you folks in Indiana get your preserve thing straightened out. Maybe you need more republicans in your legislature?? Seems like it should be pretty straight forward. They can set a modest acreage size if that is the hang up, and they can say you have to drive out any wild deer, if that is a hang up. From that point on it is your private property with your privately owned deer and what you do with them shouldn't be anyone's business!
Looks like NOW according to the courts, anyone and everyone can have a hunting preserve.  Bill failed.  As long as the supreme court upholds the appeal anyone can hunt unregulated by the state and the DNR  
Did you hear the democrat gal say they were going to lose in the Supreme Court so she was voting for it. Thank you Jesus!
I think that the people in Gray Brothers cafeteria probably think my Dad just got saved. Lol

He was shouting hallelujahs when the vote was counted! 27-22 HB1453 as amended was defeated!
So let me get this straight.  If the Supreme court upholds the appeal or they choose to not even hear the DNR's appeal, anyone and everyone in the state of Indiana can have a hunting preserve free of charge with any height fence and absolutely no rules?  Thats the way I understand it.  They have ruled that the DNR has no right to regulate the industry correct?

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