Antlers 2011

Deer Farmer Forum

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Here is a few updated pics as this morning.


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Here is a yearling we are pretty proud of, but seeing some of the other yearlings on here makes me almost ashamed to post him.


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This is a 4yo Soaring Eagle Buck owned by Leroy Fisher and Jessie Fisher


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Powerdrive and Maxbo Grande owned by Dave Lapp, Gap Ridge Whitetails.


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First pic is on 6-14 and the next two were taken on 6-20. What do you think?!


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Little Bear is really wide and looking good. There is a whole lot of big bucks and yearlings coming on this year. Congrats to everybody.

rrwhitetails said:
First pic is on 6-14 and the next two were taken on 6-20. What do you think?!
Everyone's bucks are looking great! Keep the pics coming


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There will be more pics of 2 year olds coming soon


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Ol P.J...I wonder how many years he can keep that frame up? And a descent stocker.


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Buzzie: This is Level King He is also out of a Level doe also. It is good to see some deer posted from this bloodline. He doesn't have the so called big name pedigree but he does have the big horns. He scored 287 plus as a two year old with a 220 inch main frame. He was real clean with a drop tine on each beam. Sometimes I wonder are we breeding for the pedigree or for the horns???? I see a lot of real nice deer out there with a so called average pedigree and great horns. And I see A LOT of deer with great pedigrees and average horns???? Gotta make you wonder have we become so obsessed with the pedigree that the horns don't mean as much???? You know they knocked X-Factor at first because they thought he could be stronger on the O-25 bottom side of his pedigree. But when he broke the 500 inch mark as a three year old that quietened the critics. Just think what he might have scored if he would have had one of those super does as his dam???? LOL Just food for thought.


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It does seem like the pedigree has become more important, You are right there are alot of big deer out there now with average pedigrees. I like it myself. It shows that you can grow big deer without all the high dollar pedigrees.

calynnplantation said:
Buzzie: This is Level King He is also out of a Level doe also. It is good to see some deer posted from this bloodline. He doesn't have the so called big name pedigree but he does have the big horns. He scored 287 plus as a two year old with a 220 inch main frame. He was real clean with a drop tine on each beam. Sometimes I wonder are we breeding for the pedigree or for the horns???? I see a lot of real nice deer out there with a so called average pedigree and great horns. And I see A LOT of deer with great pedigrees and average horns???? Gotta make you wonder have we become so obsessed with the pedigree that the horns don't mean as much???? You know they knocked X-Factor at first because they thought he could be stronger on the Y 25 bottom side of his pedigree. But when he broke the 500 inch mark as a three year old that quietened the critics. Just think what he might have scored if he would have had one of those super does as his dam???? LOL Just food for thought.
I am positive there are plenty of bloodlines out there that are producing as well as the big name ones but they just don't have the advertising $$ behind them to create the hype. Anyone new getting into the biz really needs to get out there and see all the incredible deer some(not all) of todays breeders are producing for your own eyes and compare the costs. If your out to raise GOOD shooters the name isn't quite as important but if ya wanna sell at the sales you have got to have the names. I think the new people need to realize that the value in deer is being able to get 200 inchers at 2 to be successful. As it's been said on here time and time again, you can't get your money back out of a 3 yr old 150-170 inch buck. I think the majority of the people who want to hunt at a quality high fence operation want to shoot a buck around or over 200". The reason being is you can go to alot of states and 120-140 inch 3 yr olds are a dime a dozen on low fence properties. Most guys who use any outfitter do it because they want to have a better chance at a 4.5 yr old, 150 plus type buck. Every person that calls me looking to book a deer hunt wants the opp. at this type of buck. I've never had one that said," if you can get me on a 130" inch buck I'd be happy", they all say anything over 150" they would probably not pass up and anything in the wild over 150" is usually at least 4.5 yrs. old in the upper midwest. They have to remember that they will also have the does they will need to move eventually too. This biz is no different then any other, you still have to spend money to make money.
There lies one ot the problems.When you have no name does that make great stocker bucks that have doe fawns there is no where to go with them.The market gets flooded with fawns and prices drop.Alot of us cant play with the big name bloodlines and have fawns that have to go because of state laws and feed billls.Someday i believe alot of farmers will realize that you dont need a long line of paper to make great deer and then even the great does with long paperwork will come down in price. Either way its a great thing that we all have choices in what direction to take your farm.
One bloodline is Barkley and cole young. That's a production line that has produced for years.
I did not mean to make anybody mad. But I have some of my best typical yearlings this year, and I sold thier dad for a shooter last year because he did not have a pedigree or DNA,d until I got him. I sure wish I had him back, because he has the biggest wieght and typical yearlings I have ever had. I did get him DNA'd but no straws off of him. He really was the best over all typical producer I have ever had. Maybe one of his son's will be something somebody wants, with out a high dollar pedigree. And the high dollar straws.

He was out of the Redoy Bill line, but DNA couldn't prove it, but he has something going on from that line.
Chris i dont think you made anyone mad.It is what it is and those unnamed lines are starting to show up and show people that you dont have to go spend high dollars for high papered deer from high dollar guys to make great deer.
Thanks, there is some great deer out there without a name or pedigree.

QUOTE=Four Seasons Whitetails;47950]Chris i dont think you made anyone mad.It is what it is and those unnamed lines are starting to show up and show people that you dont have to go spend high dollars for high papered deer from high dollar guys to make great deer.[/QUOTE]

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