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Antlers stopped growing?

Joined Oct 2009
151 Posts | 0+
Rush, NY
A friend has a buck that he had a question on. I have not seen this myself. Hope one of you may have an answer I may give him. He says the buck rutted hard. Dropped his antlers in Jan. They started regrowing as normal. Grew out about 2 inches now have stopped growing and are growing hair out of the top. Not the normal fuz he says it's hair. Thanks for any help you may give.
Try to get a picture and post so we can see. This way some may have a better idea of what is going on.
any chance they got touched by some frost after their growth started?

This can be a problem way up north here in SK.
Thanks guys, I did need a good laugh!! I haven't seen the deer in a few months. He lives about 60 miles away so I don't get there often. But the getting frozen idea is a possibility. He's by Niagria Falls, so it was pretty cold there. Although we have had a great March and April so far. You guys down south got all the snow!!! And here in NY we were out sun I'll see if I can get some pictures. The deer is friendly (bottle raised him myself) so getting close to him for pictures won't be a problem. Thanks for the help.

Sandy Malone

Pasture Prime Farm
Pasture prime let us know what is going on with the buck...i promise i won't make a funny cause i will get yelled at by the crappie patrol! Curious as to how that buck is pics yet really help out......
Sorry about no pics, he never did send them to me. But as of last week they were growing again. Think he was nervous about his best buck not growing fast enough to suit him. They do slow down their growth sometimes if the weather cools off after being unusally warm and ours did for a while. Thank you all for your inputs. I still would like to see them girraffe antlers!


Pasture Prime Farm

Rush, N.Y.

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