Bottle Fawn Losing Hair

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Jun 6, 2020
Hi there,
I have two bottle fed fawns with me. A buck and a doe.
The doe was born first and first 5 days she was great.
Brother came along and then things changed.
When she first got here she had a cloudy eye so the guy we got her from gave her a shot of Vitamin B which cleared it up.
But then she started to have this foamy yellow poop.
Fecal came back negative.
She is a little wild girl so when we have to pick her up she does fight us. She started losing some fur and we attributed it to when we’d have to pick her up and she’d fight that it would just rub off.
BUT I’m beginning to think otherwise.
She is healthy, active, great appetite and more.
The poop sometimes doesn’t have the foam but it’s still soft but she’s losing more of her little orange fawn hair.
Could it be a vitamin deficiency?
She’s on whole milk (red cap) and that’s what I always give my babies but she’s got me stumped.
I don’t wanna just start pumping her full of stuff she may not need but obviously don’t want her unhealthy either.
Or maybe she’s just losing her coat faster than brother?

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