- Joined
- Nov 10, 2010
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- Lanesboro, Minnesota
(0,0,0);' ', 'Segoe UI', 'Lucida Grande', ;
18px;margin:0px 0px 0px 27pxFwd: Changed my Perspective.
(0,0,0);' ', 'Segoe UI', 'Lucida Grande', ;
Last week the Minnesota Deer Farmers Association, had the pleasure of sponsoring Keith Warren, at the Minnesota Deer Classic. Attendance was close to 8,000 hunters.
Keith spoke at three seminars, and was well received. We also handed out almost 800 CDs of Keith's show, " The Truth about CWD". Keith forwarded to me a response he got back from one of the attendees. I attached it below. It was nice to see we reached someone, and also how many more are at least "thinking"?
I highly suggest that we all need to take a more "proactive" approach to the public, instead of us being reactive to bad press. Keith presents himself very well to the public, but isn't afraid to engage in a respectful discussion. He even went to the Minn. Deer Hunters booth and the Outdoor News booth [a pro-DNR publication] and introduced himself and invited them to the seminars.
We were able to get his CD reproduced at around 70 cents, when we bought 1000. Keith will be producing a new CWD tape this summer, to update current information. We need to support him in this. It is a great handout at public events and for politicians. We need to get OUR message out there.
If any of your associations have a public event coming up, I highly recommend getting Keith to represent your association.
Gary Olson
Minnesota Deer Farmers Association
Thought you'd find this to be interesting.
Keith Warren
Executive Producer
The High Road Group
Begin forwarded message:
margin:0px From: Carolina Romo
margin:0px Subject: Changed my Perspective.
margin:0px Date: March 11, 2014 at 1:43:27 PM CDT
margin:0px To: [email protected]
Message body:
Hi Mr. Warren,
Here's a little story:
Before March 8th 2014
I did not know much about Keith Warren. I was a staunch believer that "hunting" with feeders, high fences and paying to be guaranteed a deer and deer farming was cheating. The mere idea of doing so disgusted me. How on earth was that considered hunting, how fair was luring them to eat, confining them to a small area or having someone point out exactly where they would be? My idea of hunting was, you scout, look for rubs, scrapes, look for deer droppings, put out trail cams, learn their movements etc, put in the work, all year round. Hunting to me was not plopping yourself down in front of a feeder and waiting for the animal to get hungry etc.
After March 8th 2014:
My husband who enjoyed your show on the Pursuit channel and now enjoys it on YouTube asked me if it was ok to go hear you speak instead of sitting in and meeting Nicole Jones Reeve at the Minnesota Deer Classic, I grudgingly said it was fine and I'm glad I did. After sitting in on your seminar "Deer farming facts and myths" you opened my eyes to something I never thought of, The "value" of the deer, how we should feed the deer year round, take care of them so we can harvest them. I learned that paying to hunt isn't always a guarantee you'll harvest a deer. Since then, I have given all those things/ideas that disgusted me before a second look. I am eager to watch your show on YouTube, read up about you and your philosophy and learn more about hunting in general, educate myself and others. I was so excited that day that as soon as you left, I posted a comment to your Facebook page. I know there was a lot more you talked about and I could go on and on, but for the sake of not boring you and rambling like a fool, I will end on this note...You inspired this hunter to reevaluate her way of thinking and someday be educated enough to share this with others as you did with me.
Here's hoping someday my husband and myself can meet you again
Thank you for the inspiration
Carolina Romo
This mail is sent via contact form on My Website http://highroadhunting.com
From: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Date: March 12, 2014 at 12:12:34 PM EDT
To: Gary Olson <[email protected]
Subject: Fwd: Changed my Perspective.
18px;margin:0px 0px 0px 27pxFwd: Changed my Perspective.
(0,0,0);' ', 'Segoe UI', 'Lucida Grande', ;
Last week the Minnesota Deer Farmers Association, had the pleasure of sponsoring Keith Warren, at the Minnesota Deer Classic. Attendance was close to 8,000 hunters.
Keith spoke at three seminars, and was well received. We also handed out almost 800 CDs of Keith's show, " The Truth about CWD". Keith forwarded to me a response he got back from one of the attendees. I attached it below. It was nice to see we reached someone, and also how many more are at least "thinking"?
I highly suggest that we all need to take a more "proactive" approach to the public, instead of us being reactive to bad press. Keith presents himself very well to the public, but isn't afraid to engage in a respectful discussion. He even went to the Minn. Deer Hunters booth and the Outdoor News booth [a pro-DNR publication] and introduced himself and invited them to the seminars.
We were able to get his CD reproduced at around 70 cents, when we bought 1000. Keith will be producing a new CWD tape this summer, to update current information. We need to support him in this. It is a great handout at public events and for politicians. We need to get OUR message out there.
If any of your associations have a public event coming up, I highly recommend getting Keith to represent your association.
Gary Olson
Minnesota Deer Farmers Association
Thought you'd find this to be interesting.
Keith Warren
Executive Producer
The High Road Group
Begin forwarded message:
margin:0px From: Carolina Romo
margin:0px Subject: Changed my Perspective.
margin:0px Date: March 11, 2014 at 1:43:27 PM CDT
margin:0px To: [email protected]
Message body:
Hi Mr. Warren,
Here's a little story:
Before March 8th 2014
I did not know much about Keith Warren. I was a staunch believer that "hunting" with feeders, high fences and paying to be guaranteed a deer and deer farming was cheating. The mere idea of doing so disgusted me. How on earth was that considered hunting, how fair was luring them to eat, confining them to a small area or having someone point out exactly where they would be? My idea of hunting was, you scout, look for rubs, scrapes, look for deer droppings, put out trail cams, learn their movements etc, put in the work, all year round. Hunting to me was not plopping yourself down in front of a feeder and waiting for the animal to get hungry etc.
After March 8th 2014:
My husband who enjoyed your show on the Pursuit channel and now enjoys it on YouTube asked me if it was ok to go hear you speak instead of sitting in and meeting Nicole Jones Reeve at the Minnesota Deer Classic, I grudgingly said it was fine and I'm glad I did. After sitting in on your seminar "Deer farming facts and myths" you opened my eyes to something I never thought of, The "value" of the deer, how we should feed the deer year round, take care of them so we can harvest them. I learned that paying to hunt isn't always a guarantee you'll harvest a deer. Since then, I have given all those things/ideas that disgusted me before a second look. I am eager to watch your show on YouTube, read up about you and your philosophy and learn more about hunting in general, educate myself and others. I was so excited that day that as soon as you left, I posted a comment to your Facebook page. I know there was a lot more you talked about and I could go on and on, but for the sake of not boring you and rambling like a fool, I will end on this note...You inspired this hunter to reevaluate her way of thinking and someday be educated enough to share this with others as you did with me.
Here's hoping someday my husband and myself can meet you again
Thank you for the inspiration
Carolina Romo
This mail is sent via contact form on My Website http://highroadhunting.com
From: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Date: March 12, 2014 at 12:12:34 PM EDT
To: Gary Olson <[email protected]
Subject: Fwd: Changed my Perspective.