Thank you Lash for allowing me to join in the Forum- My husband and I run (2) businesses....We are consultants in the Hunting and Outdoor Industry for ALL things related to assisting your businesses to grow via internet marketing. And we run an Outfitting biz in South Carolina, Whitetail and Hog hunts. I just wanted to let all of you know, we also belong to NaDefa and hope this is a good forum to just let you know we're here for any of you to assist with any questions on building your presence online. We offer assistance with Web Design/SEO/Help with Facebook growth so you can build exposure there to a targeted audience/Video name it! We bring 50+ combined years in our Corp lives in Technology and Marketing. We're from No. IL and WI originally. Husband is a Depredation WT hunter for years in WI and also 10 years Nuisance Control Mgr in FL for Hogs. He is a pro sponsored Hog Hunter and we work with Natl Level mfrs on that side of the fence. If any of you need trusted advice, guidance, or would just like to meet us (via phone lol) and learn more of the resources we can provide, we are here for you
Thanks everyrone! Have a great day all! Blessings!