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Oct 31, 2009
upstate ny
verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', ;(0,0,0)Michigan feeding.
(0,0,0);verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', ;

"DNR allows supplemental feeding of deer in southern U.P. counties with permit


Due to heavy accumulated snowfall, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources will allow supplemental feeding of deer in the southern Upper Peninsula by permitted groups and individuals beginning Wednesday, Jan. 15.


Supplemental feeding is only allowed in the southern U.P. during years when accumulated early winter snowfall reaches a depth that is predictive of winter stress, while permitted feeding is allowed annually from January 15 to May 15 in the northern counties found within the Lake Superior snowbelt.


The supplemental feeding provision for the southern U.P. pertains to: Delta, Dickinson, Iron, Mackinac, Menominee and Schoolcraft counties, and south of the T43N-T44N boundary line in Chippewa and Marquette counties.


Sportsmen’s groups or individuals in these counties who would like to obtain a supplemental feeding permit should contact DNR Wildlife Division staff at the Baraga, Crystal Falls, Escanaba, Marquette, Shingleton, Newberry or Sault Ste. Marie offices.


“This winter has started out substantially more severe than last winter, which took a large toll on the deer population in the U.P., resulting in reduced reproduction and high fawn mortality,” said U.P. Regional Wildlife Supervisor Terry Minzey.


“While supplemental feeding can have unintended negative consequences, such as auto collisions, overbrowsing, and disease transmission, we recognize folks want to help deer through a harsh winter,” Minzey said. “Those who obtain a supplemental feeding permit must follow provisions that attempt to minimize any negative impacts.”


Once a permit is granted, recipients must adhere to the following regulations:


Feeding is only allowed on private land with landowner permission, or on non-state-owned public land with land administrator permission. Supplemental feeding is not allowed on state land.


Feed must be placed at least one-quarter mile from the nearest paved public road, at least one mile from domestic farm animals, and at least one mile from wheat or potato fields, commercial fruit orchards or commercial plant nurseries or tree farms.


Feed can consist only of grains, second cut alfalfa and clover, and pelletized food materials containing no animal protein. The feed must be scattered on the ground at a depth not to exceed three inches. If individuals choose to feed corn, the DNR recommends it be mixed as a minor component (25 percent or less) of the recipe, which should help protect deer from dying by acidosis.


Anyone issued a supplemental feeding permit must report to the DNR, no later than May 30, the quantity and type of feed used, dates and duration of feeding, and other required information specified in the permit
Pretty fancy way for the state to get us to feed "their" deer.  We have to get a permit (permission) to feed the states deer.  Wonder how much they intend to charge for the permit?  The DNR should be feeding the deer and supplying the feed with our hunting license money.  


Sorry, had to vent.

Pretty fancy way for the state to get us to feed "their" deer.  We have to get a permit (permission) to feed the states deer.  Wonder how much they intend to charge for the permit?  The DNR should be feeding the deer and supplying the feed with our license money.  


Sorry, had to vent.

Yes and find it funny that they say there could be or cause problems by feeding the deer but i guess they think the risk is worth it.  I bet they would not have felt this way shortly after cwd was found. Seems the risk keep going down on their side of the fence but on our side its still red alert.
Statement from my farm (In Jest)


11pt"Todd Morgan allows supplemental feeding of deer at his Farm without permit


Due to heavy accumulated snowfall, Increased Feed prices and in the spirit of promoting deer farming, I  will allow supplemental feeding of deer at my deer farm by anyone beginning Wednesday, Jan. 15.


Supplemental feeding is only allowed when I am home to supervise the feeding or feed can be dropped off in my barn. 


Sportsmen’s groups or individuals who wish to feed my deer please call me before heading to my farm if you would like to see the deer up close. 


“This winter has started out substantially more severe than last winter, which took a large toll on plowing (Diesel fuel costs) and ease of getting feed to my deer.�


No permit is needed, however individuals must adhere to the following regulations:


Feeding is only allowed during daylight hours.  Supplemental feeding is not allowed after dark.


Feed must be placed in my feeders.


Feed can consist only of grains, third or fourth cut alfalfa and clover, and pelletized food materials containing no animal protein.
Great idea Todd, I live in the U.P. in Mackinac County and would welcome anyone with a bag of deer pellets to feed my deer . As far getting a permit to feed wild deer is a waste of time  & money . Everybody in the U.P. always feed deer in the winter regardless of how deep the snow is. Right know we only have 16 inches with 8 more coming tonite. It will be interesting to see how much they charge for this permit.

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