I can't stress it enough, get a ulv fogger and you can stop this EHD. I was getting as many as 5 deer a day getting it at one point until I started fogging, NOT ONE more case since. Again, I found the stagnant water sources and fogged it several times during the heat of the day when I think the bugs are in the cattails and mud, and the pens every morning and evening. I also mix Tempo in for some residual. A sprayer is a waste of time and money, the ulv fogger atomizes a straight oil based chemical, no diluted water mix, it seriously looks like smoke and will hang in the air for a long time and drift for several hundred yards and hit EVERY BUG IN THE AREA if you have a light breeze. Stop the midge and stop the EHD. If anyone has any questions,feel free to give me a call anytime. At one point I fugured I was going to loose every deer I had. There is no worse feeling then having years worth of hard work and your favorite "family" members dieing and thinking there is nothing you can do and there is also no better feeling then making it stop. Good luck.
Cody Warne
Wild Prairie Whitetails