fawn down...

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Jul 11, 2009
background, this fawn is one of four from a doe. Smallest one, 2.4#, died first night. Doe abandoned the rest. This fawn (4 lbs)was rescued and strengthened and returned to doe, she fed and cleaned it for a week fine..

Yesterday 9am found fawn prostrate in the sun, looked, felt dead, even after picking it up. Semi stiff. Then it blinked. Taken into house, temp 104, completely rigid, esp back legs. Gave it 50cc D 5 1/2 SQ, and wrapped legs with cool towels, brought temp to 101 in an hour.

Given 200mg Thiamine SQ, 2cc pen-G SQ, another 100cc D 51/2 that evening. Also 30cc Pedialite slow, dosen't suck

Gave 200mg Thiamine IM, 2cc Pen-G SQ, 1/2 cc Dex IM, another 100cc D 5 1/2 today. Also 20 cc Pedialite orally.

6pm today he took 1 oz red cap milk orally.

cannot stand, rear legs stiff. Pooped this pm, urinating all along on pad.

He holds his head up, is usually alert, can move front legs ok. Back is arched, rear legs not working, tummy feels rigid.

Scott H has been a big help so far keeping him alive. any additional ideas would be appreciated....
fawn today is stiff bodied all over, all four legs stiff, neck straight.

still alert and drinking 4oz this am.
Have you been keeping him hydrated as much as possible? I would load him up on subq fluids and keep giving Thiamine and other vitamins/meds. Perhaps also consult a large animal DVM who treats goats/deer in your area, for a 2nd opinion. Scott H. is great, but remember he is not in your state...
Scott Heinrich said:
I didn't know you hjad to be from the same state to give good advise.

so ifin I drive to La and get advise "locally" is it better since I will be in the same state???:D

Ok, This is just a story about my family raising pigs 34 years ago. We had a male pig born and in a week or so he had the same symptoms as described. We began giving him water with epson salt mixed. We would also work his legs and body to try and loosen his muscles. In about a week he was up running around and grew old on a friends farm.
Sorry, no criticism of your awesome advice intended, I meant that regional illnesses can present differently and more prevalently at certain times of the year. I was thinking that we are seeing quite a tick infestation right now and many animals are affected... that's all that I meant Scott. I'm smarter than you might think, I certainly would not offend someone as highly-esteemed as are you (in my eyes).
Scott, same condition.

Alert, hungry(fusses for food). Body below neck is stiff, unable to use any legs.

I'm at a loss...
Troy, if you need a energy pack, call me and I'll get Cody to get one for you.

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