Lots of whitetail fawns on the ground. First 2 sets were triplets. Buck and 2 does..first mule deer fawns born this morning..both bucks. It's a long way to the finish line.
First fawns of the season...................Twin doe fawns out of Cowboy. The doe Green 26 Sugar is a Maxin Eagle/Maxin Eagle/ Maxbo Picket and Thickets sister and Grn 26 has a 2yr old off to a NICE start this year.
Best of Luck on everyones fawning hope you all have lots of bucks
We had our first fawn about noon today. It's a big healthy buck fawn. Road Rage is the Papa & an Arty doe anchored by Big Tea's grand dam is his Momma. She was Cdr'd and taken to Ed's and was pasture bred to Road Rage. Her womb bro is "Toot My Horn". I'm thinking of a cool name for him. With his Dad being Road Rage & his Moms brother being Toot My Horn" there has got to be a good name resulting from those though we didn't put the cross together because of their names. Both are huge 30"+ wide huge typical framed sires over 300 lbs.
First fawns are a exciting time but this year we are praying we don't get any until spring arrives for us living in Northern Michigan. Yesterday it was snowing and this morning the temp was 29 and we had 3/8 inch of ice in the water buckets. Sunday morning the weatherman said it will be below 32 degrees.
We may go right to summer and not have spring. We are praying our does can keep the fawns inside for a gestation of 240 days this year.
This was the papa of all today's fawns, he only bred 3 does and two fawned today, other will go soon too. He is nothing overwhelming, I just loved his look. He'll be a stud this year as a three year old. My other breeder bred 10 or so and no look close yet.
My first fawns of the season hit the ground yesterday!
Dream Ranger on Hardcore on Tonto Bonds on Hardcore's full sister. The Tonto Bonds brings a good outcross and a ton of bone to the mix. The mothers womb brother was a great buck for Dave McQuaig last year. Dream Ranger had a great look and has some awesome sons on the ground. This should be a great addition.