Florida closing its borders

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Apr 6, 2009
Columbia, MO
As you know, Florida is considering closing the borders.

I find this a little bit disturbing and just want to get some other comments on it. Here is the link:


On this website is this article that obviously supports closing the border and then if you look at other parts of the web page they promote selling their own deer which were brought in over the the last few years through the same program they are bashing. I just don't get it. I can see its a business strategy to buy all your genetics from out of state and then do whatever you can to close the borders so the rest of the farmers have to buy from you but I've never seen it advertised so opening.

And if you believe the article you have to accept the fact that CWD can be in a herd, spread, and never be detected because it never shows up in the form of any symptoms or deaths...HMMMMM. It also gives the PA example but says they just got lucky that the deer they sold didn't have it on the trace outs.


Come on guys, I can't believe a fellow deer farmer and whole deer association would support this thinking. If Florida passes a law to close its borders maybe they should also lock down the farmers that already got deer in the last 5-10 years and keep them from moving those. I bet that discussion would change their tune.

This whole thing is so hypocritical and disturbing to me...:(:(:(
There is a Roberts who called us several months ago wanting us to advertise on his website. As I recall, he had websites for each state like www.ohiodeerfarms.com.(not sure of the exact website names) He wanted people to pay to advertise on his sites. Wouldn't it be ironic if it was the same people who want the borders closed in Florida that want the rest of the country's deer farmers to support them? If you are paying to advertise your farm on a website, you better make sure it is run by someone who supports the industry and free trade and not by someone who supports closed borders.
Wow!! Hard to believe this garbage is put out by "The Florida Deer Association" !! CWD is terminal 33 months [ + or - 2 months], so why wouldn't 60 months to be certified by considered safe? Most herds I have seen are 10 to 15 years monitored. Where do they suggest they stop? 30 years? 50 years? 100 years? USDA has done research on this and determined that 60 months is a safe zone.

According to our state vets. office, casual or incidental contact by nose touch is not a huge concern. We have had 2 herds in our state depopulated for CWD and the incident rate in those herds was 1/2 of 1% and 1/3 of 1%. That was with those animals eating out of the same feed bunk, and drinking out of the same waters. So a sniff at the fence shouldn't be considered a huge threat.

The reason there reactions to this is so serious, is that it still hasn't been disproven that the CWD prion can't occur randomly, or spontaneously, like the cattle version of TSE, [mad cow disease]. This has been well documented in cattle research. This would answer a lot of questions in deer if proven so.

Looking at their pedigree section, they have been using a lot of the same genetics we are using up north. Actually, aren't some of those bucks yours Sam? Interesting how they can bring in genetics themselves in the past, now they think that everyone else bringing in genetics is toxic!

Nationally we have had a very, very low incident rate in certified herds. This shows the herd certification program is working.

I agree with you Sam. This is very bad press!!!!

Here is their board:

Who We Are

Mission Statement

Code of Ethics

Board of Directors

President's Letter

FLDA Board of Directors

The FLDA Board and Officers are 100% volunteers elected by the voting members of the FLDA. It is comprised of business and legislative professionals with a proven passion for the interests of growing and maintaining a healthy deer and exotic game population in the State of Florida.


Donnie Young Alachua, FL


[email protected]

1st VP

Jimmy Prine Day, FL


[email protected]

2nd VP

Philip Bryan Horseshoe Beach, FL


[email protected]


Niki Wagenman Mayo, FL


[email protected]


Kevin Thomas Daytona Beach, FL


[email protected]


Bruce Jonas Tampa, FL


[email protected]


John Shadd

Lake Butler, FL


[email protected]


Dwight Knight Old Town, FL


[email protected]


Steve Richburg Holt, FL


[email protected]


Irving Roberts Palatka, FL

(386) 937-0844

[email protected]
SJames said:
As you know, Florida is considering closing the borders.

I find this a little bit disturbing and just want to get some other comments on it. Here is the link:


On this website is this article that obviously supports closing the border and then if you look at other parts of the web page they promote selling their own deer which were brought in over the the last few years through the same program they are bashing. I just don't get it. I can see its a business strategy to buy all your genetics from out of state and then do whatever you can to close the borders so the rest of the farmers have to buy from you but I've never seen it advertised so opening.

And if you believe the article you have to accept the fact that CWD can be in a herd, spread, and never be detected because it never shows up in the form of any symptoms or deaths...HMMMMM. It also gives the PA example but says they just got lucky that the deer they sold didn't have it on the trace outs.


Come on guys, I can't believe a fellow deer farmer and whole deer association would support this thinking. If Florida passes a law to close its borders maybe they should also lock down the farmers that already got deer in the last 5-10 years and keep them from moving those. I bet that discussion would change their tune.

This whole thing is so hypocritical and disturbing to me...:(:(:(

Yup and read the top of their page....Come hunt the biggest deer in florida!

Ny is next in line and goes to public comment in a couple weeks. The problem is that a few money people want florida closed for their own money gain and Ny is being drove by a Dept of Ag that does not have a clue or want to listen to the true facts of cwd, We had it in 2005. How do they know we still dont have it or that we didnt give it to Pa?

What is a fact is that there has not been another case in the wild or farm deer in the state of Ny so that shows that the rules we have lived by since 2005 has worked.

The best part is, is that we can move deer out of a cwd positive state to any open border but we cant bring in deer from a state that has never had a case of cwd! Thats a good one!
The NRA thing surprises me. They met with us in Washington and were very supportive of us. That needs to be checked into.
The industry would be shocked if everyone knew who has either been part of closing borders, keeping borders closed or wanting to close borders. There is greed in every industry. There were a few who tried to get borders closed in Indiana years ago, look where the breeders would be if we hadn't stopped them. When the pressure gets to Florida and the preserves are shut down these people will scramble.
Yes, apparently they have taken that page down. Interesting list of directors for the Florida organization. There are some associated with big farms outside of Florida. I guess may e not all the folks on that list are pushing for the closed borders.

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