Former Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens dies in plane crash

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Apr 5, 2009
Senator Ted Stevens is known to this industry as the man that got Elk, Reindeer and Bison to be considered livestock by the USDA.

USDA now defines farm raised Elk, Reindeer and Bison as Livestock

The US Department of Agriculture will now consider elk, reindeer, and bison as livestock in the administration of certain programs within the department. When Alaska Senator Ted Stevens learned that some farmers and ranchers were being denied access to the livestock assistance programs being administered by the Farm Service Agency (FSA), he included language in the Omnibus Bill, HR 4818, to correct this inequality. Specifically, the Act directs the Secretary to include elk, reindeer, and bison under the definition of “livestock” in carrying out livestock assistance, compensation, or feed programs. Elk, reindeer and bison ranchers who want to participate in USDA programs should contact their local county FSA office for information and to sign up for available assistance. It may require both patience and persistence on the part of the producer to obtain benefits as this will be a new addition to FSA and it may take time for staff to understand the

needs of the elk, reindeer and bison industry. The livestock programs that are available will vary by region but it is important that every elk, reindeer and bison rancher contact their local office, update their records, and provide data to assist in the implementation of the programs.

For additional information you may contact: [email protected], aide to Senator Ted Stevens. The exact language can be found by researching // and reviewing the final conference report on HR 4818, Consolidated Appropriations Act. It will be found under Division A, Agriculture – Title VII, General Provisions – Section 785.

Former Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens dies in plane crash

AP – FILE - In this Aug. 4, 2008 file photo, Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, speaks in Anchorage, Alaska, announcing … By BECKY BOHRER, Associated Press Writer Becky Bohrer, Associated Press Writer – 29 mins ago

JUNEAU, Alaska – A single-engine plane carrying former Sen. Ted Stevens crashed into a remote Alaska mountainside, killing the state's most beloved political figure and four others and stranding the survivors on brush-and-rock-covered slopes overnight until rescuers could reach them.

Volunteers discovered the wreckage late Monday and tended to the injured, including Stevens' fishing buddy, ex-NASA chief Sean O'Keefe, until help could arrive Tuesday.

The 86-year-old Stevens' death stunned both lawmakers and residents alike, even in a state familiar with plane crashes, because of his pre-eminence in Alaska history: A decorated World War II pilot who survived a deadly 1978 plane crash, he was the longest-serving GOP senator in history and spent his 40-year Senate career bringing billions of federal dollars home. One failed effort — the infamous "Bridge to Nowhere" — became part of his national legacy, as did convictions that helped foil his 2008 campaign but were later tossed out.

"He is one of the real giants," said Paul Brown, a consultant to nonprofits who was having lunch at an outdoor cafe in Anchorage. "He dedicated his life to this state."

Investigators arrived late Tuesday at the crash site outside Dillingham, located on Bristol Bay about 325 miles southwest of Anchorage. The cause of the crash was not immediately known, but the flights at Dillingham are often perilous through the mountains, even in good weather.

Federal Aviation Administration spokesman Mike Fergus said the plane, a 1957 DeHavilland DHC-3T registered to Anchorage-based General Communications Inc., took off at 2 p.m. Monday from a GCI corporate site on Lake Nerka, heading to the Agulowak Lodge on Lake Aleknagik.

He said the plane was flying by visual flight rules, and was not required to file a flight plan.

National Weather Service data shows that weather conditions deteriorated between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. Monday — the approximate time the FAA said the plane took off. Visibility at Dillingham, the nearest observation area, was about 10 miles with overcast skies at 1:49 p.m.; it was 3 miles by 2:22, with light rain, fog and mist reported.

Volunteer pilots were dispatched around 7 p.m. after the plane was overdue at its destination. They came upon the wreckage about a half hour later, authorities said.

The weather soon took a turn for the worse, with heavy fog, clouds and rain blanketing the area and making it impossible for rescuers to arrive until after daybreak. O'Keefe, his son and two others were flown to the hospital. The O'Keefes had broken bones and other injuries, former NASA spokesman Glenn Mahone said.

Stevens and O'Keefe, 54, are fishing buddies who had been planning a trip near where the float plane crashed.

Alaska National Guard spokesman Maj. Guy Hayes offered no details about the survivors' conditions or their identities.

The bodies of Stevens and the other four victims remained at the scene Tuesday, investigators said.

The Stevens crash is the latest in a long line of aviation accidents to claim political figures over the years in the U.S., including Pennsylvania Sen. John Heinz in 1991, South Dakota Gov. George Mickelson in 1993, Missouri Gov. Mel Carnahan in 2000 and Minnesota Sen. Paul Wellstone in 2002.

Plane crashes in Alaska are somewhat common because of the treacherous weather and mountainous terrain. Many parts of the state are not accessible by roads, forcing people to travel by air to reach their destinations.

In a similar accident by another GCI-owned plane, an amphibious, float-equipped Havilland plane flipped after landing on Lake Nerka in 2002. The pilot drowned and a passenger was injured. The plane was landing on the lake in front of the lodge when the accident occurred.

Stevens was one of two survivors in a 1978 plane crash at Anchorage International Airport that killed his wife, Ann, and several others. In 1972, Nick Begich, who was Alaska's only congressman, was killed when his plane disappeared over Alaska with then-House Majority Leader Hale Boggs of Louisiana.

"Alaska has lost one of its greatest statesmen and a true pioneer of our state with the passing of Senator Ted Sevens," said Begich's son, Mark, an Anchorage Democrat who narrowly defeated Stevens in 2008.

His counterpart, Sen. Lisa Murkowski, said the state had lost a hero and "I lost a dear friend," praising his service during World War II. He flew cargo planes over "the hump" in the Himalayas and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.

A White House spokesman said President Barack Obama called Stevens' widow, Catherine, on Tuesday afternoon to express his condolences.

"A decorated World War II veteran, Sen. Ted Stevens devoted his career to serving the people of Alaska and fighting for our men and women in uniform," Obama said in prepared remarks.

A moderate Republican, Stevens was appointed in December 1968 and became the longest-serving Republican in Senate history. (The late Strom Thurmond was in the Senate longer than Stevens, but he spent a decade there as a Democrat before switching to the GOP.)

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