My wife has been dieing for a pie/painted fawn to raise and keep as "HERS." I think they are awesome animals and would love to purchase an inexpensive fawn to raise and keep on the farm as bottle fed and tame. I only know of one guy personally who has a bunch of them, and had promised me one last yr for this yr. But after numerous phone calls etc. I havent been able to get a hold of him. Can anyone steer me in the right direction to purchase a fawn in the upcoming spring in PA? I prefer a min 3yr cwd heard. I dont want to break the bank as everyone knows money is tight. But I would love to put a down payment on one and add it to her xmas presents. The guy I know promised me one dirt dirt cheap, which is probably why the calls havent been returned this yr. If nothing else, whats a good price for a non special genetic pie?
Thanks for your help, we loved the pics by the way. Thanks everyone.