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Oct 17, 2010
Hatley, WI
Any ideas how I can get rid of gophers, shy of shooting them? I read once that they are after grubs in teh soil and to lime the area?

Thanks for your time.


Logan's Legacy Ranch
We dig up the mounds and carefully without touching it with your fingers (use a tongs) put strips of Juicey Fruit gum in there. They will eat it, bind their guts up, and die.
I have a friend that got a vaccuum service to bring a truck out to his place and suck all the prairie dogs out of their burrows. Maybe it will work for gophers too.
Couple of tablespoons of Goldin Malrin and a pie pan of Dr. Pepper is irresistable for the little rodents!
Shooting them works too - in one of our episodes during Season 1 Gary takes a shot at them and gets two with one shot! He admits in the show that this isn't usually what happens. He explains why they are problems for deerbreeders as well along with other pests and predators - and why he always carries a gun with him.

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