Hoegger Goat Wormer, Has anyone heard or used this stuff?

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Apr 7, 2009
Tobin Lake, Saskatchewan


The use of herbs as an anthelmintic (dewormer) would have to be considered an alternative medicine. If goats go without worming for two long it can cause anemia, poor growth, lower reproductive success, a drop in milk production and increased susceptibility to disease. Untreated goats contaminate the area where they are confined which leads to even greater parasite problems.

In the face of an increasingly inadequate system of conventional dewormers, a growing number of people are turning to alternatives to address the needs of their animals.

Chemical dewormers have many serious drawbacks. The trick with chemical dewormers is to know when to administer them so as to kill the worms before they have a chance to lay eggs. Dewormers only kill the maturing worm stage but have no effect on the other life cycles, i.e., eggs, larva and pupa. If you miss the "magic moment" and the worms have laid eggs, you will have to re-do the whole treatment when those other life cycles reach maturity. But when is that? Opinions vary - 10 days, 2 weeks? Sooner? Later? Who knows for sure?

Professional medical advice is often difficult to get and straight answers about over-the-counter dewormers are even more elusive. How often should the goats be treated for worms? When should the treatment be repeated? What types of worms do the different chemicals kill? Can I give dewormer to my pregnant does? What is the slaughter and milk withdrawal time after worming? Are any chemicals approved for goats? How will I know if the worms have become resistant to a particular chemical? If I have to change dewormers, which one do I change to? What is the correct dosage of an injectable type dewormer if I give it orally? Is it a sound health practice to orally dose with a pour-on wormer? UGH! These and a swarm of other pressing questions continue to plague goat owners and the answers seem to depend more on the opinion of who you ask then on any factual data.

Excerpts from a report featured in the United Caprine News may shed some light on the subject of natural herbal dewormer versus chemicals:

The test was Ivermectin vs Hoegger's Herbal Wormer

Testing involved 29 goats divided into 2 groups including milkers, wethers, dry does and bucks.

The types of parasites that were being observed were:

Strongyloides papilosus - A small slender roundworm which enters through the skin adn teat openings. Larva climb up through the skin between the hooves. This is a parasite of the small intestine.

Dictyocaulus (lungworm) - Eaten as larva, which burrow through the mucosa and migrate through the bloodstream to the lungs where they develop into adults in the bronchi. Adults lay eggs that are coughed up, swallowed and passed with feces.

Manezia (tapeworm) - Pass egg packets which may appear round, square or triangular. Tapeworms attach themselves with hooks to the internal wall of the intestines and absorb nutrients from the animal.

"Overall, the herbal group always had lower parasite numbers."

Strongyloides (threadworms) and Muellerius (tapeworms) were found in 0% of the herbal test group but 29% to 33% in the chemical group.

Lungworms were found and 33% of the herbal group and in 21% of the chemical group. This is a significant difference. The herbal dewormer offers good control.


The Herbal worming works better than Ivermectin. The Herbal group always had lower numbers of parasites than the chemical group. This shows that Herbal offers better control and can keep worm loads down to safe numbers. All of the parasites were in lower quantities in the Herbal group.

Advantage of chemical wormer was that it was administered less frequently. Disadvantages were that it was less effective, may cause damage to brain tissue, does not maintain control of worms and depending on the type of chemical used, requires "dumping" the milk for an undetermined length of time.

The herbal worming had the advantage of better control of worms, contains no damaging chemicals and never requires dumping the milk. The disadvantage was that it had to be top dressed in the grain ration once a week.
Curtis- How old was this article? I would be interested in learning more.

You know a ways back there was discussion on here about Diatomaceous Earth and wether or not it would be a good natural dewormer. I never did hear of anyone trying it, but would be interested in that as well.
Holly, stay tuned for the next issue of Deer Tracking.....

I have the address of the company, I will e-mail it to you
Curtis I"ve also heard that planting plenty of chickory with your clover fields can help contol parasites in deer. We do know that the deer will only eat it if your ground is a nuetral PH as it gets quite bitter as the ground gets more acidic. We planted it 3 years ago and limed our fields at that time and our deer really eat it up and it bounces back good even after heavy grazing. Rick
Diatomaceous Earth ???? I can tell you that I ran it for 10 years and have been asked many times, does it work??? My answer was always the same. I don`t know, but I`ve not had a parasite problem. Well guess what??? I changed my feed up a bit 6 months ago and didn`t have the diatomaceous Earth added. Well, lets just say I had two bad cases of parasites causing noticeable weight loss since I removed it. Now I`ll go out on a limb and say YES, I`m pretty sure that it does work. It WILL be back in the blend.
This stuff d,earth will kill external not internal from my research, it scratches skin and dries them out. inside it cant dry them out, it like glass i would never feed my deer sharp objects,on a regular bassis or any time only my thought. show me proof then i might ride along! only my thoughts,DC PS and for peace of mind i will use a proven wormer. Hey Mitch, was it the only wormer in 10 yrs, you used or proven wormer along side? i know there will be a hundred say i use it all time.like i said proof!!:eek:
Rick, i ran 25 # per ton.

Well David, in that ten years I may have ran safeguard a few times and that was just 3 days in the spring. I`ve never wormed in the fall. In that period I`ve used 30 # of wormer. Now if I had a deer down for any reason, yes, they got a shot of Ivermec plus or Detomax. And that was because it was always a rule of thumb. Ask the big horse racers if they use it on their horses. One thing it will do and that`s give you a piece of mind for sure. Proof you ask ????? I just got all the proof I need. I`m not trying to sell or promot it I just believe it makes a difference. Hey David. ;)
We all know if it works for you then that is what matters, i just not convienced and wanted to put little twist to it! If it works no need FXING,:D Hey Mitch:rolleyes::D;););):p:D
Hey Mitch, you know his crazy AZZ is going to argue no matter what. But , be careful he is the forum police. lol Hot you say... not really warm but not hot.
Yes his CRAZY ASS will give his opinion Dc,no forum patrol, just want the bs section for it purpose so we can chat, but if you want to argue im in ,i love when it gets to name calling! DC
Hey Michael, too hot up here for me. When she gets 90 it`s too hot!!!!! I`ll keep my eye on the ole forum police !!!!!! AKA Turd Bird !!!!!! Just give him a bowl of Icecream and he`ll be fine!
David, I think it is your thong that is to tight. There is a post about the "BIG" boys returning to the forums. Maybe they will stay around without all the BS and pissing matches among people. Mitch, don't forget his CIDR. ...
Well , well i think you started with crazy asss who are you? i started nothing MP!looks like it only you.DC
David, before you get all worked up. It was a joke. Take a deep breath and smoke another. Mitch sorry I tried to joke around with you and stirred the puddin'.
Don`t let the heat get to ya David !!!!! I have the milk and syringe just let me know when your ready !!!!! LMAO !!!! If your game I`m game !!!!
i got better Idea,I just stay out of the heat for few days,I know you just be to Happy to oblige,did need good laugh,:eek:

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