I never had too many problems with xylazine/telezol. It's all about knowing your herd and who to dart and how much to give them. I would have some high strung ones that took more than one dart, but out of hundreds over the last 7-8 years it wasn't that bad. However, I just seen 4 of my bucks go down, and wake up in minutes on BAM. Night and day, the reversals with BAM were comparable to my best reversals on xylazine cocktail every time. If I had not seen it personally, I would have still been reading topics like this and saying to myself, " I am not switching yet, the cocktail is still working just fine". I have no problem with the cocktail, I just can't get over how good the BAM preformed. I am going to make an order soon.
I don't want to encourage anyone to switch if the cocktail is working for them, just saying, if you see it in action your probably going to be impressed, like I was. Maybe not impressed enough to switch, that's your choice. I been looking and asking, It's really not much more $ than the cocktail I use, from what I am seeing. If BAM was outrageously expensive compared to the cocktail, I wouldn't consider the swap, but since it reasonable I am going for it.