I would like to introduce myself......

Deer Farmer Forum

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Mar 10, 2011
Smethport, PA
Hello to everyone, I’m Chris Miles of Smethport, Pennsylvania . I’m sure I have met many of you at auctions and I know I have talked to many of you on the phone (I formerly worked for DeerTraders.com). I am very happy to announce that I will now be working as the National Sales Manager for Whitetail Quest. My duties with Apple Creek Whitetails and Whitetail Quest will include getting the word out and educating interested Deer Farmers on the great new product Whitetail Quest and Apple Creek have developed, Quest X. Someone has finally come up with a cost effective, easy way for anyone to have a top notch, professional website on just about ANY budget!

How does it work? Simply load your deer pictures, pedigrees, videos and information on Whitetail Quest. This gives our team all of the information needed to insert into a website template and build a site for you. Click on either of these links below to take a quick look at what the website looks like when completed. You can get all of this for only $500 per year or around $41 per month.



You pay no money until the site is built and you are 100% happy with it! As time passes, we all know that making changes and updating pictures on your website is a very important. That’s why we have come up with a great guarantee. We guarantee that within 48 hours of receiving your pictures, they will be updated on your website, or that month is free! You will of course get your own custom email address as well with this service. You can have peace of mind knowing that your web developer KNOWS YOUR BUSINESS!!!!

I will also have other duties such as designing print ads and brochures for the deer farming industry, as well as contacting deer farmers (outside of PA) for new consignments on Whitetail Exchange. Whitetail Exchange is fast becoming a very important tool for all deer farmers, both large and small.

I look forward to this great new opportunity and sincerely feel that we are offering the deer industry great products with great value.

If you have any questions feel free to give me a call at l 814-887-2194

Thanks All
Putting pedigrees, pictures etc on Quest is free. Its a great way to get your info out to other farms. Simply go to www.whitetailquest.com to sign up

Any other questions feel free to call me.

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