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Jun 11, 2014
cambria, serif 14ptWhitetail deer are particularly adept at using all of their senses in order to avoid danger. Among the most refined of their senses is their sense of scent. Deer use this sense of smell to protect them from adversaries such as wolves and coyotes as well as hunters. While we all know that a dog has a tremendous sense of scent, a whitetail deer's nose is one hundred times more sensitive. Deer that have not had that much exposure to humans may not be that wary, but a mature buck is certainly well aware of the dangers associated with humans. This means that you absolutely must control your scent in order to get near a buck on a Texas deer hunt. There are several methods you can use for controlling your scent.


First, it is important to consider the use of scent control clothing. Such clothing may use activated carbon or other elements for the purpose of eliminating odor. Regardless of the type of clothing that you opt to use, make sure that you do not dress in it until you are already in the field. Otherwise, you run the risk of your scent control clothing taking on the smells of your home, which will certainly be enough to trigger an alarm in a wary buck. You also need to ensure that you care for your scent free clothing properly. Do not use normal detergent, but instead use phosphate free, scent free detergent. You might consider running an empty load in the washing machine with the laundry to ensure that all smell is completely eliminated before you actually put your hunting clothing through a cycle.  Finally, make sure that your clothing is stored in a sealed container when it is not in use.
And also wash your buddies hunting clothes with detergent to push the deer to your side of the woods...

Also, farting is not the same as grunting

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