Losing fawns. Need advice ASAP please

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This year I'm feeding straight red cap whole milk and fawns are doing great. They are around 3 weeks old and I also keep calf mana & blue creek 17% in the pen along with fresh water.
A quick update. We gave a 2nd dose of penicillin at noon yesterday and he progressively got better throughout the afternoon. At 5 or so we tried to give him some vit b complex mixed with some electrolyte but he hated the taste. We are going to look for a better form of it today. We then offered him his bottle and he took right off and drank the whole thing down. By his 10 o'clock night feeding he was back to what a fawn should be like ....he was pacing and running up to us as soon as he saw the bottle. When he was done drinking it, he went over to his water dish and started drinking out of it (we added some natural sugar to it as well). By this morning he was again going crazy to get the bottle in his mouth and drink it all up. When he finished, he went and had another drink of his water and when I brought in a maple branch he ate about 10 leaves as if he were a vacuum cleaner. Fingers crossed that he keeps moving forward! I have to think that the penicillin is killing something off. When we gave it 4 days ago....in the evening, he was better by the next morning and his appetite was better for 2 days. The third day he was regressing to little appetite and lethargic. Gave the penicillin at approx noon yesterday and by the 10 o'clock feeding he was doing great and by morning he looks like the healthiest fawn in ontario.

As a side note, I think if we have the nerve to bottle feed next year we may give red cap...or as we call it here..homo milk a try. Lots of you guys on here seem to believe in it.

Thanks everyone. I'm hoping our persistence has/will pay off
Check the gums and tongue. I would put them on straight red cap, just like your cereal but make sure it has the red cap, not the 2% stuff. Also add a fresh bowl of dirt not dry or wet just moist. Don't discount the dirt, it will help!
Thanks everyone! We have been switching the dirt every day and went and got probiotic paste, thiamine and short acting penicillin. I gave all 3 two nights ago and he is doing amazing! He is yanking the bottle out of hands and looks MUCH more alert and "bright eyed". Right now I'm not sure which remedy is helping him....but at this point I'm just happy that he's recovering. I know things can change fast though! Fingers crossed!

I hate it when I don't know which of the "shotgun" cures works, but it beats the alternative for sure. Sometimes you(and the fawn) just don't have the time to try meds one at a time to see what works...
I use straight goats milk. Fortunately, we have a lady about a hour drive from home that sells it to us by the gallon. Ever since I switched to it, my fawns do so much better. I had constant problems with powdered milk. Only drawback is goat milk is costly but well worth it.
I use red cap milk and mix in a can of Meyenberg goat milk and it has worked great for me had no problems at all. That's what Matt Kirchner told me to do and I've been real happy with the results no problems at all.

Eric Young

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