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I've never had a bottle-fed buck. The risk is too great to have a hormonal temper tantrum running around the neighborhood during rut. You say to build up a fortress so your deer are properly contained. That's fine for the occasional jail break but what about the nosy neighbors or kids when you aren't at home. Sure, they are breaking the law if they come a snoopin' but that won't pay the medical bills when the judge says pay up. No matter how bad the neighborhood kids might be I don't want to have to know my hobby caused serious injury or death. That's where I draw the line.

Tame versus untame might be the debate here.
I hear all of your comments and they all hold good advice........however, in this business there will always be the chance for a crazy. testosterone filled buck to get goofy and want to kill everyone around him.......just as i have personally had the same thing with some crazy testosterone filled beef cow bulls the same is a part of nature and certian animals are going to be more aggressive no matter what......yes you up the anty when you bottle raise and need to be more cautious.......but don't think for a minute just because you don't bottle raise you are free and clear to go in the pens with the bucks during the rut.........bottle raised or not they are all dangerous this time of year......heck even the free roaming deer have attacked people from time to time......i have both bottle fed and non bottle fed bucks on the farm....they all get treated the same way this time of year and thats with pepper spray in my pocket and a good distance between us always!! Personally though if i did have a buck that went kind of nuts on me (or a bull beef cow) for that matter......I would definitly look into either putting it in an area that i knew it could nto have any chance of escaping or look at other options!!
Rustyblaster said:

I've never had a bottle-fed buck. The risk is too great to have a hormonal temper tantrum running around the neighborhood during rut. You say to build up a fortress so your deer are properly contained. That's fine for the occasional jail break but what about the nosy neighbors or kids when you aren't at home. Sure, they are breaking the law if they come a snoopin' but that won't pay the medical bills when the judge says pay up. No matter how bad the neighborhood kids might be I don't want to have to know my hobby caused serious injury or death. That's where I draw the line.

Tame versus untame might be the debate here.

For us, our risk of that happening is low for the most part...our property is fenced in and gated around the perimeter and you cannot get in without entering a code at the gates. Aside from that, while we're still technically within city limits, we're out in the country with only a few houses nearby. The only one with children has been given the gate code to come in, but we've explained to them that the bucks are dangerous this time of year and they are not to enter the pens (plus those pens are back out of the main drag for the most part). I keep my two bottle-raised does in a separate pen up front which I allow them to enter if they want...even then, they normally will visit the deer through the fence since we chain all our gates closed as a little extra security.

I do agress tame vs untame is probably the biggest debate here...but even then, I think a lot of it is just the individual buck.

This may sound a bit sexist and I apologize to you ladies out here, but it's the best example I was able to come up while discussing this with my roommate earlier... think of it as a woman during her monthly cycle. Some women can be complete b*tches...and others you'd never know they're PMS'ing.

We've bred both bottle feds and mother raised bucks on our farm since I've been working out there (bout 5 years now)...our tamest bottle fed who we bred 2 or 3 years ago wasn't aggressive toward us at all. Granted, when he came near, I would head straight back through the door...but he didn't act any different when he saw me around the fence lines or anything. We had another buck we bred who wasn't tame at all and when I'd walk into that pen...he'd start snorting and immediately start heading my direction, even from across the field. I don't doubt for a second that he had one thing on his mind--attack the threat to HIS does. I've also heard the stories, such as this thread where the tame bucks just go insane...the main reason for that is an untame buck is usually scared of you enough that he won't get close, even when he sees you as a threat...until you become a BIG threat...then he'll finally snap. Whereas a tame buck...he sees you as a threat and he's not scared of you. You're fair game from the moment he decides you're a threat.

I know I was reading somewhere on one of our deer products (probably formula mix) that it flat out says...if you bottle-raise a buck, it should be castrated before it goes into rut and the above is the exact reason they recommend it. So if the OP doesn't want to kill their buck and doesn't intend to breed it again, castrating it may help. Of course, we don't do it because typically we don't have a problem with our bottle feds and usually our bottle feds end up bigger and healthier than our mother-raised so we prefer to breed with them.

But like I said before...when raising white-tailed deer, you should be aware of this risk and prepare for it. If you personally wish to kill all off all your aggressive bucks during all means, go for it...if that's your plan, then I don't have any issues with it. I'm no tree But I don't agree with telling someone who doesn't appear to want to kill it that his only option is to kill it. There's plenty of options out there that don't have to result in the death of the animal...especially a potentially good breeder. Sorry, I'm rambling...just woke up after a looong night.
Still.....still....still think this thread should be moved but oh well........everyone has their opinions on this issue and they are going to do it their own this being said.....lets just agree to disagree!!! Peace!!!!
Yup a buck is a buck no matter how you raise it!!!!When the velvet comes of untill the velvet comes back on they are not to be trusted....Bottle or no bottle!!!!!!
Points well taken blackshire. I am not suggesting killing every aggressive buck during rut. If you can't fortify your lot with a perimeter fence then I would harvest a buck that acted as Scott said. The level of security would greatly affect my decision on how to address the issue and in my case that is what I would do.

I am off the road in the country as well. You can't see a pen from the road but I am still surprised how many people know I have deer pens. Word of the unusual travels fast.
Rustyblaster said:
Points well taken blackshire. I am not suggesting killing every aggressive buck during rut. If you can't fortify your lot with a perimeter fence then I would harvest a buck that acted as Scott said. The level of security would greatly affect my decision on how to address the issue and in my case that is what I would do.

I am off the road in the country as well. You can't see a pen from the road but I am still surprised how many people know I have deer pens. Word of the unusual travels fast.

Yep, you're right about that... when I tell people who I work for (before even mentioning we raise deer), they immediately will reply back with, "Oh you guys are the ones with the deer on _____ Road?!"

And I can see your point there too...if I was unable to secure my property to ensure nobody could gain access to the pens, I think we'd be forced to put the buck down as well. Not so much because we wanted to, but because in this day and age, even if someone entered the property illegally, they could still sue you for everything you owned if they or their child was attacked. Gotta love the good old American legal system! :cool:
We cut the rack off Saturday. A kind member on this site assisted with the deed. Problem solved. It calmed him down for now. Yes, I learned a valuable lesson.
Get rid of him before he kills someone. Saw deer likethis too many times. They only get worse.. Sarah Burke
This thread should end now! Imagine reading some of these entries thru a anti -deerfarmers eyes, and you will see ,we are only hurting ourselves. Folks let's just please move on!
Well I have only been saying it since my first post one here.....tried to be a little less to the point about it.........but i agree at least should be moved to members only.....
Don't be offended Rene' :( It's just more of being politicly correct and not hurting anyones feelings. SAD but TRUE! It's like the 6 o'clock news on here anymore 28 mins of doom and gloom and 2 min of the brighter side of the business.:mad:
thanks.. but it would take alot more to offend me. ! my point is that there are a great bunch of people here and alot of great info and fellowship.

What i meant is that I support anyones business as long as it is legal. I dont understand the mass amounts of money involved (just like in horse breeding) but I do believe that Deer farms should be regulated if or as cattle or chicken or emu farms are. Its not fair to single them out just because a political group does not like or agree. A fair hunt is a fair hunt, as long as its not shooting fish out of a barrel.

the south is not known for High Fence hunts or preserves like it is out west or up north, so this is all new to me.....

So basically, what i am saying is that each one of us has the right to choose where to spend our hard earned taxed to death dollars........:) and ill be glad to take anyone out hunting here that wants to give me 5 grand ! lol
I agree with Scott. What if that buck somehow gets out of his pen? How much is a human life worth?

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