MN Deer Farmers Association 2014 Annual Banquet & Fundraiser

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Apr 5, 2009
Russell, MN
The MN Deer Farmers Association welcomes everyone to our 2014 annual banquet & fundraiser to be held at the Arrowwood Resort in Alexandria MN on March 28th and 29th, 2014.  We have some great speakers lined up and are planning on having an incredible banquet again this year.  Please see attached documents for all the information to attend and raffles offered this year.  The raffle tickets offered are NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN…our gun dealer contacts your gun dealer and you pick up your gun in your local area!  All information can be viewed at our website at .  We are expecting a huge attendance this year, as the MDFA Board is advertising and inviting the public to educate everyone interested about deer farming in the Alexandria area!


Please feel free to contact me with any questions!


(178,34,34)The MDFA would like to thank member Mike Wertish for donating the buck for the hunt donated by Autumn Antlers!  

18pxWith great donations like these, the MDFA will remain a strong voice in the industry!


  • Banquet Announce.pdf
    146.9 KB
  • Banquet Registration.pdf
    110.2 KB
  • Banquet Sched_Raffle.pdf
    711.6 KB
  • Donation Form2014.pdf
    230.6 KB
  • Room Reservations.pdf
    158.4 KB
  • 78262 Raffle TicketF.pdf
    54.7 KB
  • 78270 Dart RaffleF.pdf
    58.2 KB
  • 78318 Gun RaffleF.pdf
    57.2 KB
  • Auctioneer.pdf
    123.3 KB
Donations are starting to come in and we thank all our donators.  The list of donations has been sent in and will be on our website in the next few days.  Please check out for all of our banquet information.  We are offering a free booth for any type of sponsorship this year!  All donators are welcome to send me approximately 125 copies of their print ad and we will gladly put in our welcome packet for all attending members!  


Sponsor the auction catalog ($500) and get your ad in the catalog at least 4x and all the other benefits of above sponsorship!


Feel free to contact me with any questions!   
24px b22222The MN Deer Farmers Association would like to hugely thank Joe & Abe Miller of Kentucky Whitetails for their generous donation and their sponsorship of the auction catalog for our upcoming banquet on March 29th!


A few things:


l[*]Donations are coming in and my hopes are to send an update in this week for the website!  So if you have anything that you would like to get on the website, please send to me asap.  This helps the banquet committee prepare and know what is coming in. 
l[*]Make sure you get registered (it will be $5 more the day of the banquet!) and the room block is ending MARCH 14, 2014!  Make sure to get your rooms before they are gone.  
l[*]We are looking for themed baskets of any kind....doesn't have to be deer related!  These are great donations every year and are a big hit.  
l[*]We have new ideas and new raffles planned this and some great won't want to miss this one!
l[*]Raffle tickets sales are going incredibly well...we have some extremely motivated members out there and a HUGE thanks to all of you!  Keep on selling those tickets.  I've heard alot of great things about that dart pistol that we are raffling off this year.  If you are in the market for a good darting's your chance at a fraction of the price AND you still have 3 chances of winning $50 gift certificates to Pneu-dart!  There are four winners in the dart pistol raffle!!  Of course, those tickets are either you are interested in buying them or send them back.  If you have farmer friends that raise livestock, they would be some of the only people that might be interested in purchasing such raffle tickets, ask them!

l class="[*]All members need to give us a hand in contacting their local businesses and any contacts they have to get donations for the MDFA this year!  
Minnesota Deer Farmers Association would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to all the members, donaters, buyers and volunteers that worked so hard to make this banquet and fundraiser a huge success! We would also like to give a big thanks to the all seminar speakers! Charley Seale (marketing), Laurie Seale (deer health and fawn care), Dr. Bill Hartman and Dr. Paul Anderson (mn board of animal health), and auctioneer Steve Chupp! You were all great!

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