I am forever getting myself in trouble, and I guess I don't know how to stop now. As I got my ballot for the new NADeFA board members, I was taken aback by the boldness of one of the canidates on the issue of open boarders. Its good to have open boarders as long as it is not ALABAMA? How can this person represent the membership when their personal gains are clearly the most important thing to them, and the welfare of the industry take a far second seat. Perplexed to say the least. How can this be all the choices available for the board? How am I supposed to vote for someone who can't see past their own pocket book for the good of the industry? Oh i know this post will cost me money, but I hope not friends. I assure you I am not the only person that feels this way. I ask that you do not cast your vote for this person, sending a clear message that you support open trade among all states. Instead add a write in canidate, Bill Holdman to the ballot. Let your voices be herd. I only offer an alternative. You should still do what you think is right for you.
I look forward to any and all comments. I have thought this through as best as I can and as I love this industry I feel it should be lead in a direction towards more opportunities for all the members and the industry as a hole! Not limited by someones personal agenda.
I look forward to any and all comments. I have thought this through as best as I can and as I love this industry I feel it should be lead in a direction towards more opportunities for all the members and the industry as a hole! Not limited by someones personal agenda.