NADeFA Election

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I would like to say that Will isn't keeping the borders closed for himself. 99% of farmers in Alabama want them closed. We want to protect our industry here. Alabama's deer industry is thriving. The only thing bad I have to say about Will is he's an auburn fan. I think I'm going to get him and his boys matching Alabama shirts. Again we do not want our borders open!! I don't want to send my deer out on consignment and hope I get paid. That's B.S.!! I will not let a deer leave my farm until it is paid for in full!! I don't have too. The demand is high so I like not having to take a risk and getting ripped off. To all those who do wrong it will come back and haunt you !!
I have a few questions. How many states have closed borders? What purpose does it serve to keep these borders closed? Are the borders closed by the state health officals or the breeders influence? Gary
I know nothing, but board members of NADEFA should be working for the good of the whole industry. That means striving to open all boarders. If they don't feel they can do that in all cases they should not represent us. Here in Iowa when we moved from the DNR to the Ag dept. The DNR stood in front of us and told us if we tried to switch we would all be put out of business. We as 70 lonely naive deer farmers decided it was what had to happen to better are industry. We won against all odds, we all pulled togther and wore ourselves out talking to congressmen teaching them are business. That is what I expect from NADEFA board members, to work for the good of all no matter what it may do to them individually. That is what they sign up for running for the board.
If we would close Iowas border which I am sure we could get done. It would be the wrong thing to do for the industry as a whole. It would certainly be a benefit to me personaly ,lot less competition, but it would not better are industry. Should be free trade!!
I am in Alabama I would like to see them open and Know Lots of deer farmers that want them OPEN. I would say they or 40% or more that want them OPEN. All new deer farmers that have not paid 15,000 to 20,000 a deer want them open and the only reason they dont they have been told if the boaders open your deer want be worth what you paid for them of that is the case then they where not worth that to start with.


Joe Headley

Life is tough when your dume

Life is tougher when your stupid
on closed borders....if it was a private corporation ...would it be a cartel??? and would people be going to jail?

if you lock the borders on one side....lock them on the other side, live deer,semen.... everything.
Easy there Joe, remember what happened last time we put our personal opinions on here! Haha!
prairie antler said:
I know nothing, but board members of NADEFA should be working for the good of the whole industry. That means striving to open all boarders. If they don't feel they can do that in all cases they should not represent us. Here in Iowa when we moved from the DNR to the Ag dept. The DNR stood in front of us and told us if we tried to switch we would all be put out of business. We as 70 lonely naive deer farmers decided it was what had to happen to better are industry. We won against all odds, we all pulled togther and wore ourselves out talking to congressmen teaching them are business. That is what I expect from NADEFA board members, to work for the good of all no matter what it may do to them individually. That is what they sign up for running for the board.

Prairie Antler is absolutely correct on this. The IDNR vowed to put us out of business at that time. There is no doubt that we could have made things a whole lot easier on ourselves by caving to closed boarders at that time. But as Prairie Antler said, we organized, and had many face to face visits with our Legislators. Not only did we have the face to face meetings, we had flooded the Legislature with emails and phone calls. I think the most important of all was the visits the IWDA members had with their local Representative and Senators. We have proven, that at least in the State of Iowa, change is possible. Today in Iowa we have a very good working relationship, not only with the Dept. of Ag. but also with the Dept. of Natural Resources. We are actually allowed to be included in much of the current rule making process within both of these Departments when it concerns us.

I also ask our NADeFA board members to work at opening all boarders. I don't pretend for one minute to know all that goes on in a State like Alabama, and Will makes some good points. However my personal feelings are that closed boarders are simply wrong in the USA.

I would like to say, Thank You, to all the past and current NADeFA board members for all the Great work they have done and will continue to do for the membership...
Will, I see all you do for the industry as a whole and I thank you for this. As far as keeping your borders closed I do not agree on this matter. If you are a member of NADEFA you are representing the industry as a whole not just Alabama. If you are to be elected then you need to look out for the industry as a wholes best interest witch would be to open the borders of Alabama and all other state borders that are now closed.

If any state closed its border it would benifit that state but it weakens the industry as a whole. The only way to be fair is to open all borders. I think if a State wants to be on its own then that is exactly were they should be on their own. No in no out this is the only fair way. What would happen if we all closed are borders? Think about it there would be no industry to deal with.

If you want to be a leader do whats right fight for open borders for all. In return we as a industry can fight for your state or whatever it is you are afraid of might happen to your state if you do open your borders.

Please do not take this wrong as I said you are a great help to this industry. Lets look at what is fair for everyone not what is fair for any individual states. These are the kinda leaders NADEFA needs.

Could you explan in more detail how it would hurt the industry if your borders were to be open. I not saying your wrong I am just trying to understand how it would hurt the industry. I just don't see how any state with open borders can hurt the industry.
I think its clear that most veveryone is all for open borders for all states. Like i said in a previous post and several others have it will help the industry. Richie if the borders were open you could choose who you sold your deer to and see that they paid upon receipt of your deer. Joe you should run for the comittee
With closed borders they can control the price of there deer inside that state.If a new farmer wanted to start up new he would be at the mercy of the farms he can buy from.Kinda like the big guy getting bigger.The new guy would have to pay the price because he cant come to another state and get mabey a same breeding for much less.Then again if you have shooters to move and there is demand you can set your price.
Randy, it would not hurt the industry by opening the borders but, it would hurt the state of Alabama. They would no longer be able to control there prices. This is not fair for the New folks getting in or the hunting ranches buying shooters or for anyone else in the state who wants to buy from other states.

What I think Will was saying is that if they were to open the borders this would give the state of Alabama to many reasons to shut them down. The thing is it is the same in every state. We all take our chances. Every state with open borders takes chances and that is why we have orgs like NADEFA to back us up. As a org we should make it a point to try and get all borders open and if your borders are not open then your deer should not be aloud to leave either. Semen can go both ways so thats a different story.
Good points Virgil. Also you need to Look at out industry in Alabama. We are not struggling. Everyone in the state that has good deer for sale always sell out. Our state is one of the markets who isn't struggling right now when other markets are. I think others want our borders open so they can flood our market. Then what!! Then Alabama is in the same situation as everyone else. The breeders up north don't realize one thing... There will not be anyone left to sell deer too in Alabama if the borders are opened!! The day they open 98% of use are out of business. We will be broke overnight and our thriving industry is gone. The 2% that's left already have farms up north creating jobs and revenue up north. They spend millions each year innthe north. That would be gone also. Why take all that away also. What we have in thus state is a business where everyone involved makes money. We sell all deer for good prices. Why would anyone want to put over 200 breeders out of business? That's definitely not good for our industry. That's what everyone needs to look at. I think the people who want us to open our borders are the ones who cant sell their deer up north for one reason or another. So they want to try to move in on our state. Why?? If your quality of deer isn't good enough for up north then what makes you think we want them here. The preserves here have a hard enough time getting hunters here because our shooting prices are higher than the north. We are not cutting each others throat on prices to get hunters. The preserve up north are trying to shoot hundreds of deer to make little profit. I applaud the efforts all our preserves do here to get hunters and treat them right with a hunt of a lifetime. It's not always about the kill. It's being around good people and having a good time. Again there are pros and cons to this issue. But remember if there are no breeders here with money left then you will NOT get paid. Just my 2 cents. It will always be an issue where some agree with opening borders but most Disagree !!!

Why would you think 98% of Alabama breeders would go out of business? I would like to see all boarders open but if states like Alabama or Texas or any of the others with closed boarders don't open them then the states with closed boarders to inport then they should be closed to export as well
Any state that closed its borders would be in the same situation. They would prosper as as long as they could still sell out of state. Maybe we should all close are borders and then what. Every state that is involved with NADEFA should have or be trying their hardest to get borders open.We all cut are losses at one time or a other for the greater benifit of being united as one orginization. You can not and should not reap all the benifits at others expense. You should have to take the good with the bad to be involved. Fair trade is fare trade and a monopaly is not legal for a reason and that is exactly what you have. The US does not and will not deal or trade with a country that has closed borders. Why???

I am not trying to start any fights. I see your guys points but your either all in or your out and that is only what is fair and right for all. It does not take a rocket scientist to see what is going on

Will, I see you have been on here reading this so please tell us how you feel on this matter. Do you think it is fair to sell out of state with closed borders and do you think it is fair to keep your borders closed and why?
We have alot of money invested in our deer. We have had to ai for years to get our deer where they are now. If borders were opened then all that time and money are lost. A good deer here is a 200" producer. Up north that's no big deal unless it's a 200" yearling. And that's not a big deal. A 200" inch producer up north most eat. We don't.

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