New farmer with 5 day old fawn with diarrhea, help!

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May 26, 2020
Hey everyone. I’m new to this forum and desperate for answers/tips.

My boyfriend and I are new to deer farming. We just had our first fawns ever on the 21st. This was the mother’s first pregnancy and we were not expecting her to have twins, she also had them about a week early. She had them May 21st. We found the first fawn the morning after I saw her giving birth (Friday, May 22nd). We did not find the second fawn until the next morning (Saturday May 23rd). We gave each fawn B12, Ecolizer C20, and Enable Fawn Paste. We know for a fact the first fawn we found has been feeding regularly, but haven’t seen the second one feed as often, and seems neglected.

On Sunday May 24th, both fawns had diarrhea. The first fawn did not seem affected by this and has been running keeping up with mom, very hard to catch so unsure if she has it still. The second fawn has been covered in poo and seems lethargic. We started taking her inside at night Sunday and feeding her goat milk replacement (as much as we can get her to eat, usually about 1-2oz per feeding) and keeping her warm, but still has diarrhea. Yesterday morning we put her back in the pen and she ran to mom when she saw her. Mom cleaned her up and let her nurse for a while.

Yesterday evening it stormed and the second fawn was cold and wet, so we brought her in, cleaned her up, and fed her about 2oz. There was some blood in the poo Sunday, but yesterday there wasn’t much, if any. We’re in the process of getting in touch with a local vet to see what we can do, but haven’t heard from anyone yet. We put her back in the pen this morning and her mom fed her and cleaned her up again. She’s just starting to suck on a bottle so hopefully we can get her to eat more. Any tips for the diarrhea would be greatly appreciated! I’ve got a list of things I’m getting today: pumpkin, pedialyte, Ultra 24, and plain yogurt. I read in another forum those might help.


Hello Hali.

Sounds like you have most of the viable advice already in hand. With a fawn that young and also premature it is extremely important to keep them hydrated and get as many calories as you possibly can into them. Hopefully you can get a vet in there soon if the struggle continues.

There are a couple things I would say, that you've probably already considered, but it can't hurt to add here...

You mentioned that both fawns started with the diarrhea approximately the same time. This implies that they likely contracted something from momma since they will generally bed separately within a handful of hours of birth (although first time momma's sometimes don't separate them as quickly). It would probably be prudent to take a close look at the doe to make sure she is in healthy condition. Often mature does can fight off infections that will be more aggressive to the fawn's undeveloped immune system, but if she is showing clinical signs of something that is passing through the milk, then it might be necessary to treat more than just the fawn(s) in order to prevent recurring infection. If you have any doubt about the condition of the doe, then I would absolutely address this to the vet when they get to you, and I would definitely consider being aggressively proactive if you are reasonably certain that there is a health concern with her.

Behaviorally, your post seems to indicate that the doe favored the first born and is less attentive to the second fawn. Sometimes this can happen because first time mothers are just not as good as older does at taking care of the fawns, but there are some other situations where deer are predisposed to favoring some offspring and neglecting or abandoning others. I would keep an eye on behavioral patterns of the doe to watch for a few things.

1) A stressed doe with low body weight (particularly if a first time mother) is more likely to neglect/abandon fawns. If the doe is looking thin or appears to be losing weight, then it may be impossible to break the neglect pattern. If that seems to persist, I would be inclined to pull one of the fawns and bottle feed. It is labor intensive and not an easy thing to accommodate at all hours of the day, but if the doe is struggling to keep up with both of them, then it may be the best thing for the health of all three deer.

2) An interesting fact that a lot of folks don't know is that there is an inherent preference in white-tailed does toward buck fawns (which tend to be more aggressive feeders but less socially demanding) and first-born twins (the first born tends to stand and nurse more quickly than the second born twin which apparently gives them an energy advantage over their twin when competing for nursing time). This may or may not apply to your situation, but if the first born is a buck fawn or is a particularly greedy feeder, then he might just be pushing the momma so hard that she can't pay much mind to the second born. This usually wouldn't come into play for an older doe, but if the doe that gave birth was late born as a fawn and is comparatively small-ish at birth of her fawns, then she may just be favoring the first born in the interest of self-preservation. If this is the case, then it may again be necessary to bottle feed the second fawn.

Good luck and hang in there. Hopefully the little one will bounce back on its own as it gets a little more energy and the immune system starts to kick in. Sounds like that may have already happened in the first born.
All Natural Correction

If you are bottle feeding, get some Scmucker's All Natural Correction and add to the bottle at each feeding. It is the only thing that has worked for us. We've had numerous fawns with Crypto and uncontrollable diarrhea. We tried everything that you mentioned and none of it worked. Luckily we found the All Natural Correction and it saved every one of our scouring fawns. I can't say enough about it.
hey. i just wanted to know is it normal for fawns to poop green ? And how is the fawn poop supposed to look like ? If this is a cause of diarrhea, how can i treat it ? sorry for the overload of questions but i need answers. thank you!

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Albon orally has been working for us this year they seem to really enjoy the taste of it they wont leave you alone when your done giving it to them.

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