New proposed rule change puts many of us out of business

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Apr 4, 2009
Vaughn, MT 59487
This new proposed Federal rule change will put any of us that aren't TB or bangs accredited out of business till we become accredited.  Some State are reading this to mean only accredited or certified herds will be allowed into their State.     The rule change reads like this.


76.16 2(a) states=  The cervids originate from a herd that was subjected to a herd test using official tests for brucellosis and an official test for bovine tuberculosis no more than 1 year and no less than 120 days prior to movement, with negative results: and (B)  The cervids are additionally tested for brucellosis and bovine tuberculosis using an individual official test no more than 60 days prior to movement, with negative results.  This proposed change will not affect herds that are currently both TB accredited and Brucellosis certified.


On the surface this doesn't look like much of a change but some States are already reading this to mean only TB accredited and Brucellosis certified herds will be allowed movement into their State.


I don't know about the rest of you guy but if the State reads this like some have it would have a very negative affect on me.




This new proposed Federal rule change will put any of us that aren't TB or bangs accredited out of business till we become accredited.  Some State are reading this to mean only accredited or certified herds will be allowed into their State.     The rule change reads like this.


76.16 2(a) states=  The cervids originate from a herd that was subjected to a herd test using official tests for brucellosis and an official test for bovine tuberculosis no more than 1 year and no less than 120 days prior to movement, with negative results: and ( B)  The cervids are additionally tested for brucellosis and bovine tuberculosis using an individual official test no more than 60 days prior to movement, with negative results.  This proposed change will not affect herds that are currently both TB accredited and Brucellosis certified.


On the surface this doesn't look like much of a change but some States are already reading this to mean only TB accredited and Brucellosis certified herds will be allowed movement into their State.


I don't know about the rest of you guy but if the State reads this like some have it would have a very negative affect on me.

Makes one wonder about a state like ours that has never had to be brucellosis tested. We are closed coming in but can sell to any state open for whitetails because we have no had a case of CWD in over 10 years.  We are one of a small group of states that can sell to any state in the country, Will be interesting to see how it plays out but we will Brucellosis test next fall while Tb testing to play it save.  Just another rule on us!
I realize most whitetail breeders have become TB and Bangs accredited but most of the elk producers haven't.  I'm sure other breeds of deer also haven't applied these extra expenses on themselves because it wasn't necessary.  It never has helped us to do all this testing because we are still looked at as having diseased livestock.  The whitetail industry has fallen all over themselves to accommodate the health people and the DNR. and all that has done was add extra expense to our production costs.  Now that prices are falling producers have to control production costs and one way is to become more like cattle producers.  Let's be honest cattle producers have all the same disease problems any other livestock producers have and wild deer freely mingle with cattle.

As this new rule will be applied to cattle I'm hoping the cattle producers will protect against this over regulation.  That industry knows how to reduce production costs and will band together to reduce over regulation of their industry.  It is a shame the deer industry can't become more involved in their own industry problems.  We can't depend on the small amount of our good people to do this all for us.  They do a good job but it is time our breeder people and producers help themselves and when the public comment period comes up they at least help with comments about the hardship and stress put on our animals to say nothing about the expense of these rules.  Quite frankly it is time to get off your a** and help yourselves by putting a stop to letting people kill our industry with over regulation on diseases that they know we don't have.  Testing has proved TB and Bangs isn't a real problem in our industry.  Our animal movement testing would have found out if this was a problem for our industry one would think.  Sorry for my rant but I'm sick of being put through this over regulation.  I was around in the day nothing was done to move deer and elk.  Then in 1990 we were made to tag all our deer and elk.  From tagging to now all these regulation what a stupid ride this has been.  I want off this ride and you should also.  I want to be treated like a real livestock industry.
Well it isn't going to be that rule that puts me out of the deer and elk business. I have to sell out of State because Montana closed down all hunt facilities. It will be the States that have elected to exceed the Federal rules. Many State Vets have put in place if CWD is in your county your animals are not allowed into their State. I have tested for CWD 19 years and it looks to me now that they discovered CWD in the wild in Montana it will sooner or later be found in my county. Like I said testing started in 1990 and each year there is a new layer of new regulations which cripples this industry. It looks to me this CWD disease has been in the wild everywhere and now that the agencies are really looking for it are finding it even in places where there are no game farms. I feel this is a disease that has been around for a long time in wildlife. It has been found in the game farms because we have been testing 100% of our animals that die even if they are just slaughtered. Bottom line here is the cattle have more diseases than the deer and elk industry that can be spread to wildlife and yet cattle and wildlife mingle together all the time. Reason being the cattle industry is so large and powerful and most wildlife live on private land. Not likely the critics would piss off the land owners who supply food and habitat for wildlife. F&G and hunters have to stay friendly with the land owner if they want a place to hunt wildlife.
Well it looks like Wisconsin's Governor and State health people are going to be the State that is going to put deer farmer out of business unless we can as an industry fix this emotionalism rule making. These rules are like closing the doors on the barn after the horses are out. The fact that they find the disease on game ranches didn't mean we started it that's for sure. When will people realize this is a wild life disease and we game farmers are just caught in the middle of a wild life disease that has been here in wildlife for a long time if not forever. When State Vet's and Governor's exceed Federal rules with either emotionalism or personal agenda this industry is the loser with rules not made from science.
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